Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 July 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and I hope it's cooler for all of us in the heatwave!

Here's my picture for the week. This is a bald eagle flying over my region. I live on the Parke County line. 

Also, I enjoyed this very short video. I've heard -- in person -- the loud roars and screams of a mountain lion, but I've never heard the big cats' strange catcalling vocalization. Few videos have captured this call, and I happened upon this new one yesterday. 

Take care, everyone. 

  • Heather B said:

    Good that the doc was pleased, LINDY. I like the sound of the vegetable pattie things. Anything like that pleases me!

    I read it afterwards and realised that it sounded as if they were bought in M&S - but I bought them locally, in the frozen dept. !

    Yes, OGs new neighbours are intriguing us all. I wonder if they're doing some of the work themselves.

    It's raining here! Such a shock to hear it clattering on the conservatory roof.

  • The only thing clattering on my roof is a young gull who is not confident about flying. Next door's dog has raised an objection. Parent gull has been nagging the young one to get going.

  • HARELADY- I listen to Radio 4 on FM. At 1am it closes and the World Service takes over, seamlessly, until 5.20am when it switches back to Radio 4. I think you might be listening on LW because on FM there are no schools programmes.

  • Hello!  Successful shopping trip.  Rain again this evening – was not in the forecast – due sunshine and showers late afternoon tomorrow; will be cleaning day for the study..

    Annette – if in doubt, I would get new blinds, if you have the choice.  If the fridge/freezer does oblige, I hope it will be when it isn’t full!  I hope the paperwork day is going well after your long absence.

    Linda – we stocked up on a few M&S meals today, so OH doesn’t have to cook every day – we even brought home sandwiches for this evening because we had eaten well at lunchtime!  Pleased you are feeling better and Doc seems happy with you.

    Hello, Heather, I think I must have missed a few posts from you!

    J is having another attempt at finishing his ironing pile and looks as if he’ll succeed this time – haven’t dared to tell him we shall be washing shirts again tomorrow!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Well, our threatened thunderstorms turned out to be 7 pathetic raindrops on our windows!! Still waiting for a hospital appointment, I am led to believe that 5-7 weeks is the norm.

  • We have had quite a bit of rain today, in a couple of heavy showers. It is a lot cooler too, better for sleeping at night.

    Mention of Flanders and Swan brings back memories, my Dad played the two LPs often and the family got to know the words to their favouites. Sometimes to be sung in the car! On holiday a good one was the Weather song - 'In July the sun is hot -is it shining? no it's not!'

  • Good Morning.  Cloudy and dull here. A relief to have a cooler night last night, but the rain we had was short lived. News on the tv as I switched on was that we will have a hosepipe ban next month.

    Chrisy - We sang "Mud, mud, glorious mud" in the car, when my father didn't have us organised into "Gently flows the stream" as a roundelay!

  • OH has been overdosing on latest series of Suits last few days. He’s now grumbling that he’s reached the end. Has he ever heard of rationing? LOL. Cold front blew in this morn. We only managed a mere 2 mm of rain. Sunny Wed, rain Thurs (we hope).

  • Glad you had a successful shopping trip, OG.  My ironing pile is also beginning to grow again, it takes on a life of its own!

    Hope that Annette has been lounging around, recovering from her travelling and exertions.

    F. Boar, it seems to be the norm to have long waits for hospital appointments now.

    I'm off to sort out our spare room, as our Eldest is coming this evening just to stay the night whilst here for work purposes.

  • Thanks for info Heather - its a small digital radio but I will check it out.