Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 July 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful -- or at least a better -- week!

Scarlet Tanager 

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Lake Michigan)
U.S. National Park Service
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free) 

  • I can't remember. Is DIBNLIB on her river cruise?

    Hope all is going well, ANNETTE. Have you reached the bottom of the ironing pile yet, LINDY?

    AQ - I've been reading about the brave Aussie doctor.

  • It was such a big pile, I only set myself a target of doing half of it, Heather!  But in the event, I managed about two thirds, so not a lot to tackle on another day.

    I forgot about Dibnlib being away at this time:  it could explain her absence.

    The whole house smells of fish now, as I gently cooked some fresh cod in a pan and we had it the old fashioned way, with parsley sauce. This morning I was pegging out the laundry when I heard the children walking past from the nearby high school - there is a path by our garden between the upper and lower parts of the school. I decided that if I were in charge of them, I would give electric shock aversion therapy to all children who uttered the word "like".  It's mostly the girls, of course who chatter a lot, but they seem unable to get through any kind of sentence without it! (And you thought I was nice.....)

    As for the swearing, well that's another story. I don't remember even being aware of such words when I was 11 or 12!  And if my brother (much older) had uttered them he would have had a sharp slap!

  • Lindybird:  Add "awesome" and more recently "amazing" to much overused words. Such a shame when English is such a rich language.  :-(

    Heather: Hope your SiL is recovering well

    Granddaughter and Ms. D went kayaking on Lynx Lake this morning then went out for lunch then back home in time to miss thunderstorms now rumbling closer...

  • Good Morning.  Cloudy here, and some chance of showers being forecast for some parts of the country!  Not had proper rain here for over 7 weeks!

    I'm off out with my Friend G - she wants to buy pyjamas to wear in hospital so we're galloping to M&S to see what they have.

    Hope the thunderstorms weren't too bad your way, Annette.

  • Friend rang up, as I got dressed and ready, to say that she feels too poorly to go.  What a shame.  I'm getting on with things here and then going to see her this afternoon.

  • Meanwhile, here is a picture of a lovely tree carving from a village near here:  don't think I've posted it before.

    There is a local man who has done this sort of thing all around our area - we look out for them! He also does owls.

  • Yesterday I was too muddled to write after a very bad night; better today.  Watched the footie last evening – sorry England lost, but I would say their matches this year have been world-class football.  You may have heard of rain in D&G, but not this part – what little there is west of Dumfries drifts away northwards to the hills around Wanlockhead or even Moffat.  We may be blessed with a few showers on Friday.  We received our note from Scottish Water yesterday – an advisory on saving water.

    Not sure what we did Wednesday!  J took the day off from gardening and went out for brunch, returned for a midday nap and then did our Wednesday dinner as usual.  OH took over the digging for the day – they are making visible progress between them.  Oh, remember – I did some forward planning of meals ready for shopping lists!  We didn’t go out as planned because I was feeling so bad; I have been recalled for a fasting blood glucose test next week – I have to admit diabetes would explain several of my recent extra symptoms. 

    OH has been to Tesco this morning, but nothing planned for today – just “more of the same”, I guess.

    Linda - sorry your Friend is feeling poorly - would you be able to choose PJs for her of she can't go shopping?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Sorry you've been having bad nights again, OG.  No fun, and you feel grim the next day. Glad the digging is progressing!  I assumed you'd been having showers as the forecasters keep mentioning D&G.  Hope you feel better soon.

    My Friend felt rather nauseous - she will be able to ask her OH to drive her to get some PJs another day, I expect.  She won't expect me to choose the 'right ones!'

  • Dryer here today and what a mess in the garden !! After lunch will get changed and go forth with a rake in my hand.

    ANNETTE - SiL is making very good progress. She who must be obeyed (aka as my youngest) is making sure that he is eating a diet full of iron rich foods and foods that maximise the absorption of iron. Don't ask me, I used to know know what haem and non haem means and I just say 'uh uh' when she talks about it all! My body is definitely not a temple and I almost never manage all of the  five a day stuff that everyone seems to be so keen on. It is always interesting to find out who is funding research....  As for carrying bottles of water everywhere - don't get me started!

    OG - sorry about bad nights. Hope that things will get better. Re the diabetes - assume Type 2 is what you are thinking?

    LINDY - I'm sorry that your friend is feeling poorly. Stomach cancer is a big baddie. I'm sending my best thoughts to her and to you for being such a good friend to her xx

    I've been to town, to the bank and M and S food hall. Got the Chinese meal deal and will freeze most of it for future meals.

  • Heather:  Water bottles are the new accessory, but here in AZ, they're a real necessity if you're going anywhere at all. I'll take some in the car when I go to meet my niece in NM coz she won't be prepared at all for the seriously low humidity (storms notwithstanding) or the elevation.  Glad SiL is coming along okay.  But what do haem and non haem mean?  :-)

    Lindybird: When does your friend go into hospital?  This is for surgery followed by chemo?  That tree carving is fabulous - a perfect woodland piece of art.  Is it supposed to be The Green Man?

    OG: Hope they can pin down the cause of those symptoms and get you sorted out.  I was disappointed to read that England got knocked out of the world cup.  Croatia wasn't expected to get this far, was it?  So they've done very well Wonder how they'll fare against the French.....I'll be en route home Sunday, so not sure when the game starts or if I'll arrive in time to see it (though I rather think OH would be a little taken aback if I rushed in the front door and headed straight for the TV).

    More storms due here. Hurray!