Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 July 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful -- or at least a better -- week!

Scarlet Tanager 

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Lake Michigan)
U.S. National Park Service
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free) 


    I startled a starling, he was under the table:

    I opened a window, as soon as I was able

    Hoping he would fly straight out, without my having to shoo and shout.

    But as I waited by the door

    He just walked black soot all over my floor...

    He'd come down the chimney, though how I don't know -

    Oh, how I do wish that he would just GO!

    Wait just a minute: he's up near the window

    I wonder if the light will make him head for the glow --

    Up, up he flies, and out again, free -

    He has no idea how glad that makes me.

    I startled a starling, he was sooty and black -

    I really don't want him to ever come back

    I startled a starling, but what matters, you see, is that

    The sooty black starling, had just startled ME!

  • Evening all:  Have read all posts and will respond in the next day or so when my brain isn't fried.  Pretty hectic here today with one major snafu by company that made the all-in-one washbasin/top for the bathroom cabinet:  We've ordered a single faucet (mixed hot/cold) and instead of drilling one hole behind the hand basin, they drilled three! Arghhh. The last week of this kind of stuff is where all the various parts come together (or not!). I'm keeping a list of various other tidy up bits - and it's getting longer.

    Meanwhile, just checked e-mail for the first time since late this morning and found an SOS from the magazine I do freelance work for (sorry about dangling preposition).  They got their geography muddled and an item slated for one region is actually in another. They've jiggled things around but still need a replacement. Fortunately, they came up with the raw material; all I have to do is rewrite it and make a few phone calls, but they needed it yesterday.

    Someone have a glass of wine for me!

  • Good morning!

    Love the poem, LINDY. Thank you :-)

    A second wet day here and I'm not complaining. It has been weeks since we had rain. Apart from all the important things like crops etc, sleep is easier!

    I'm keeping a close eye out in case of any more bird mishaps. I have been listening for any evidence of a nest in the chimney. It is very unlikely, though because of the chimney cap.

    ANNETTE - writing an article must be the last thing that you feel like doing. As for the wrongly drilled unit..... it seems as if there is always something and usually just when the end is in sight. I'll have that glass of wine for you, maybe this evening! There is a sirloin steak lurking in the freezer, found it yesterday.

  • Good Morning, all.  Bright sunshine in a cloudless sky again, here.

    Annette - How typical for things to go wrong on several fronts, all at the same time! :-(  Hope you can get the magazine article sorted out.  I'll do my best to raise a glass to you all tonight, hoping that you've had a better day by tomorrow!

    I'm having a day at home, the ironing pile is now huge so I'd better start on it before the temps rise mid day. Have finished reading another book, bought cheaply from the library during their clear out, so now have a bag of things ready to go to the charity shop again!

  • Heather, you came on whilst I was talking to my OH and writing the above. The poem is not exactly what happened, I know, but it's how it turned out. Written in haste last night when I was going to bed.

    Please persuade the rain to head down here!  The grass in Wales was all brown, as is our poor lawn. Some of my plants in the garden are dying but we've taken the decision not to get the hose out as we've all been asked to save water. I just go around with canfuls, putting some on the most important plants.

  • AQ -- I've just read an article about Dr Richard Harris, who spent three days with the boys in the cave and helped enormously in the operation to get them out. It's being said that he should be nominated as Australian of The Year after his unselfish contribution (he was on holiday in Thailand at the time).

  • Dr Harris doesn't deserve what fate has thrown him - his father died overnight.

  • I saw that, too, but it was so sad I thought I wouldn't mention.  I presume he would have been abroad when his dad died, anyway, so may not have been able to be present.

  • AQ: Geez. That's terrible about Dr. Harris's Dad - and I thought I was having a bad day.  Will have to read all about his work later.

    Heather/Lindybird: A few facts joined together by a few hopefully chirpy words does not an article make, so no biggie, just not what I needed at this point  Am awake early to start on it, but storms are  looming and I'm off to help daughter clean out the horse corrals while granddaughter, who's not working today, gets a much deserved sleep in.

    Back later...??