Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 July 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful (and cooler) week!

Collared Lizard, Arches National Park, UTAH USA
U.S. National Park Service/Casey Hodnett
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Hugs to you Diane!!  That is one handsome lizard.   Here's a link to the National Park Service's page about White Sands National Monument in New Mexico where the lizards are white!    https://www.nps.gov/whsa/learn/nature/bleachedearlesslizard.htm

    Really hope the UK temps moderate soon; it's so unusually hot there.  

    Have a good week all.

  • Thanks, Annette! Those are interesting little fellas. They also don't have ears!

  • Good Morning, and thank you once again to Diane for starting us off again, with the colourful lizard wearing his best Sunday outfit! ;-)

    Sunshine here again. The fires at Winter Hill have worsened - the poor fire fighters must be exhausted in this heat.

  • Just looked at Annette's white lizard. Adapted well to living on the white sand.

  • Good morning - thank you, DIANE.

    Sun here again today. Our local online 'weather man' reminded us all this morning that once the rain returns here it will probably not stop for weeks! I was going to moan about the continuing heat but his remark brought me back down to earth!

    OG's remarks to ANNETTE regarding slippery tile seat reminded me that I am getting nervous when in Denmark - their shower cubicle has a tiled floor and no grab bar and the last time that I was there, in April, I felt quite nervous. It isn't a subject that I feel I could broach with them (?) but have been thinking. Maybe I could take a few of those little rubber things that you can stick on the bottom of a bath? I could use them discreetly. Sure that I've seen them advertised. I am used to the grab bar in my shower here, hang on to it when washing the feet! Oh, the joys of ageing!!

  • Sounds like a good solution, Heather. I get nervous in showers, now, and don't like the ones where they are in a bath so you have to climb in and out.

    When it comes to having a bath: have been asking my OH to fit a grab rail to our bath as on the rare occasions when I have one, have to be sure he's in the house in case I can't get out!

  • Just had a quick look in Am**on, and they sell treads in packs of 12 for only £2.69!!   - you'd probably only need to take a few of them in your luggage!

  • Brilliant, LINDY! I will have a look. Seems odd that I can't mention it to the Danes but while she is very easy going, he is not. He will leave the table if the conversation takes a turn that he isn't comfortable with. It is almost as if there are rules about what you can and can't discuss. His late mother was exactly the same. It isn't the usual politics/religion no goes, it can be anything that in his mind isn't 'correct'..... His mother was so rigid that the famous open sandwiches that the Scandinavians make had to be made to the exact traditional format. My poor OH used to wonder what on earth she was on about!

  • Diane – thank you for starting our week – and the month of July (already!).  I hope that your weather will be more comfortable, too, and tornado-free.  Here, the morning is more comfortable due to a welcome breeze, but I have decided not to accompany OH to church – still quite lethargic and achy from the heat.  He will be taking Cucumbers to give away – already coming faster than we can eat them!  Loved that beautiful Lizard basking in the sun.

    Heather – TV weatherman says this heatwave could continue through mid-July; and of course folklore tells me that it is still dry on St Swithun’s day it could then last another 40 days!  Phew!  Bath and shower safety is so important, and if you already feel nervous it is more important to take all available precautions – I actually take my zimmer into the shower at home and away for extra support!

    Wishing everyone a safe, healthy and happy week!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • We were going to walk into the town for some exercise this morning, but both chickened out of it in the heat.

    How nice that you can give cucumbers away, OG.  We had to buy some strawberries yesterday to enjoy (and they were delicious, Scottish ones!) but it seemed strange that this year we've eaten so few of our own:  we only gave away one small punnet and ate the rest without freezing any.  We enjoyed the bought ones last night with vanilla icecream, following roast gammon with our own new potatoes and our own peas - yum!

    Sensible not to go to church if you're not sure of how the weather will make you feel:  best to stay at home and be comfortable.

    Can't believe its July already - half way through the year and having a summer which we will no doubt talk about in years to come.