Since we have had so many lovely tributes to EJ, I thought it only fair to post a portrait of our "resident" male. However, I think our King George is rather tongue-in-cheek, and so is the portrait I have prepared, done out of a certain amount of teasing affection. May he live up to the idea, though with fish, of course!
I guess EJ has a grudging affection for him too, and so I wish him well and hope he takes advantage of this season as a teachable moment.
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What fantastic photos of EJ. Thank you Valerie
EJ is indeed sitting on the newly shaped Love Tree. I can't tell at the moment whether se still has her fish or not. She is standing pretty still, barely moving her head, changing her weight from one leg to the other.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
SheilaFE said:She is standing pretty still, barely moving her head
I got delayed by yet another Network failure after Windows Update - couldn't get at the recording.
A little earlier she was mantling and flapping a couple of times:
Good morning, Sheila, scylla and all! EJ was mantling and waving her wings, looking up to the skies. She's stopped mantling but is still looking.
Faint alarm? calls, presumably from EJ.
Mantling and flapping again.
Goodday, CC :)
Hi scylla, aren't you and your equipment melting down???
Unknown said:aren't you and your equipment melting down?
It's not as hot in here as it was yesterday, and it's much duller out :-/
EJ does still have fish.
Whoops she is OFF all of a sudden!
Alarm chirps heard, but camera is still on empty tree.