Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 June 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Black Bear Cub, Glacier National Park, USA
National Park Service/Tim Rains
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Lindy, I like your spirit!

    The Granddaughter is still on East coast time, and is still bouncing around!

    We have been to Kew Gardens today. The children's play area seems to have been removed, with no notices about future re opening.  However, she enjoys reading notices about anything and everything, so the day went well.  Refreshments always help! There are some dragons for the children to find, scattered around the gardens. Granny forgot her phone (nothing new there),  so no pictures to send parents, so request to go again. Not a problem. One of my favourite places.

    Trying to deal with OH's health problems. He gets migraines which are similar to TIA's. Very difficult to tell the difference. He has had both. Have been to GP. Nothing conclusive. To revisit on Monday.

    Thank you all for news.

  • Sorry to hear about your OH, Rosy.  Must be difficult for the medics to know exactly what's going on. Hope that Monday perhaps brings some answers.

    Never been to Kew - would love to see it. Enjoy your return visit!

    I read years and years ago, that most of today's women find that if they're lucky enough to find some firm friends, they will keep them through thick and thin, and many turbulent relationships: this intrigued me, but turns out to be true. Friends can last longer than husbands!! (No reflection on the present Lindy OH, who has survived over 45 years of my ramblings and crazy ideas!!)

  • Unknown said:

    It's going to be a very 'patriotic" experience and frankly I doubt I'll be singing along with the national anthem...very depressed about the political state of affairs.

    Annette: I wouldn't sing, either. My life hasn't been easy, and I'm as tough as boot leather. I've never been a fearful person, and I rarely ever cry. This week I finally broke down and sobbed for an hour. I admit that I'm now deeply afraid. A hard rain's gonna fall (to quote the old Bob Dylan song).

  • Diane: Indeed.  I'm just chronically distressed.  If the rodeo gets too much, I'll go sit in my car and listen to the National Public Radio station from Flagstaff. Lord knows I've seen more flags and flagpoles in people's yards than in all of California.  If there's a proposition to secede from the Union on our November ballot, I won't be so dismissive this time.

    Lindybird: Like many expats, my heart is with my home country (or at least the idealized version of it!). Thing is, I would never have married (or dated) the person in question in the first place. :-) Don't like the sound of your friend's condition; do hope she gets reassuring news soon.

    Rosy: I found Kew a little short on informative signage.  That's unsettling about your OH, but I've heard of similar situations where migraines have produced worrisome symptoms.

    Take care all.

  • Annette: There's no proposition to secede on your ballot, but I did see this recently. Don't think that helps you, though.

    Massively hot here. Saturday peak heat index values will be 100F to 110F (that's 37.8C to 43.3C) here tomorrow. Humidity is ghastly.

    Everyone have a good weekend. I'll stop in to start the new thread.

  • Good Morning, All.  Sun through my window again! - it really is exceptional weather. We have not been using a hose on the garden, and some of the plants now look very sorry for themselves, however it's on our News this morning that they'd like us not to use hoses, wash cars or take baths, not because there's not enough water in the reservoirs but because they can't keep up with demand in treating the water for safe use. My OH and I are getting plenty of exercise using endless watering cans on all our various pots and hanging baskets.

    Diane - Sorry you're finding it so dispiriting in the current situation. Just remember that all things do change, eventually.

    Off to get in some food supplies before it gets too warm here.

  • Good morning.  It was a marginally cooler night here, so slept a bit better.  More breeze this morning – don’t know how long it will last.  Managed to eat about half my meal last evening and J was about the same.  OH managed three courses!  He bought a birthday cake yesterday, so will be eating that over the weekend.

    LINDA – how distressing for you to see your friend looking so ill; I am sure your visit helped her to feel better.

    DIBNLIB – thanks for asking; the appointment went well and I now on the list – second cataract surgery in 6-8 weeks, so looking like August.  Did you ever get your second one done?  That Squirrel photo was quite amazing with four together in a garden like that.

    ANNETTE – that really is a big project you took on there, pleased the end is in sight, and I hope your Daughter is very grateful!  I do hope you can enjoy the day out at the Rodeo but understand how you feel about the current scene.

    ROSY – sorry your OH’s symptoms are so confusing – must be very difficult to know what to do for him!  Sounds as if your Granddaughter is having a good time!

    DIANE – certainly not a happy 4th July this year for many Americans.


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • LINDY  Try send us your pictures - BBC NEWS and then click on the top one. They are published every Friday.

    ROSY  Sorry to know that things are not good

    ANNETTE   Just love the shire horses.  When we have things like "Trooping" they are what holds my attention, over and above HM.

    OH   not too long to wait then.  I have only been told I will need a 2nd cataract op but am not on a list yet. From what U hear, they are now being put ofI and off and off.

  • ROSY - I hope that you get some answers on Monday. I like to know what I am dealing with so can understand a little of how you are feeling.

    LINDY  - I haven't used the sprinkler at all, we don't generally run out of water here but my large water butt is full:-) Remembering 1976, we had a hosepipe ban but if you stuck your head out of the windows at night in the dark, you could hear people watering their veg patches at the back of their houses using hosepipes! I was being good and using waste water for my veg etc. All to no avail as they cut us off in the end, as I have said here before!

    DIANE - Stay as cool as you can. (Politically and physically xx)

    OG - glad that EE managed his meal! He is probably (inevitably) more physically active than you so he will have a good appetite.

  • Been out, and then sat under an umbrella in the garden with the newspapers. Now we've eaten our scrambled eggs, my OH is back outside, and I'm in the cool if our sitting room. Not  q u i  t e   as hot today - the car thermometer only said 24 degrees. 

    OG I thought I'd said good luck with your appointment re your eyes, but on looking back I can see that I must have forgotten. Sorry you're suffering so much with the hay fever. Hope it abates when the time comes for your op.

    Heather Yes, I remember pouring the washing up water on our garden in '76 , and putting our Eldest outside in his pram with nothing on but a nappy (under a tree for shade). We were laughing yesterday at my Friends house, as her OH reminded us of the slogan "shower with someone" which caused much hilarity at the time!! - and some rude suggestions!

    Today I've washed all the cushion covers from the dining room seats, hope I've got the energy later to iron them!