Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 June 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Black Bear Cub, Glacier National Park, USA
National Park Service/Tim Rains
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Good Morning, All. Another sunny day!  Have had to dig out some t shirts I usually take on holidays.

    Lynette, No, we can't smell any smoke from the big fires on the moors as it's a long way from here. A new fire broke out last night in the hills at Rivington Pike.

    Nice to have your house looking smart with all the new paint.

    Off to visit my Friend this morning: she hasn't had news of her tests yet, but says "No news is good news" and maybe she's right.

  • Another scorcher begins …

    We did go out last evening and the speakers were very interesting.  The museum is cool as it is built of local stone, and they had the blinds closed over the west-facing windows as the sun went round.

    Going for cataract assessment this afternoon at the “old” hospital – now known as Mountain Hall Treatment Centre.  Don’t think it can be done very soon as both eyes are sticky and sore with hayfever.

    Out again this evening – OTB annual “Burger night” so taking J for his birthday.  I shall have the vegburger, unless there is chilli in the guacamole or sweetcorn in the burger (in which case I’ll have the chicken version).  Will probably have a cake for the weekend, too.

    Diane – so dry here that OH has been able to mow in the mornings the last two days, thus avoiding the midday heat.

    Lynette – sunbathing?  Oh no!  much too hot here – just sit by a fan in a cooled room and drink gallons of water!!

    Linda – noticed Winter Hill/Rivington Pike area had broken out – that’s where we used to see it most summers when we lived down there – and could smell it.  All that Carbon Dioxide being released into the atmosphere – makes me question peat conservation, even after the talk last evening – great to encourage carbon capture, but not for it to escape like that – and methane with it!  This is a long time for your friend still to be waiting, I hope her optimism will be correct!


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Much cooler here today, the haar is with us and no sign of it clearing yet. I am happy, I know that the sun worshippers will not be!

    OG - I hope that J will enjoy his birthday treat. Not much grass growth here because I haven't watered it. It looks sad but I am not concerned. When the rain returns, so will the grass! Hedge was trimmed today but he forgot to do the two privets. He will do them the next time he is here, I am sure.

    LINDY - I know that you will enjoy seeing your friend. I hope that all will be well for her.

    DIANE - it is amazing how many people up here in the north of Scotland don't draw their curtains against the sun. I think it is because they are not used to such high temperatures as we have had lately and think that by opening windows, things will cool down. Down in Devonshire, where I grew up, everyone shaded their home in the way you describe. In France, my brother's village, every house has shutters closed, he tells me.

  • Hot journey to see my Friend:  We sat inside when I arrived, as she doesn't like the heat. They have a tiny, walled garden with a pretty tinkling fountain and lots of colourful climbing roses and clematis, which I admired through the French windows. She looks thin and drawn, which is a shocking thing as (I know she wouldn't mind my saying this) she has always been a very rounded lady. She's having trouble eating and is not much interested in food, which is also shocking as she's such a brilliant cook and hostess.

    She is wondering if maybe she has an ulcer, but I suppose it's no good guessing - we need to see what the experts have to say.

    Drove back past lots of brown verges and parched looking lawns. The gauge in the car said 28 degrees, and there's not a cloud in the sky. Now sitting indoors with the fan back on!

  • Oh, LINDY - you are right - but what a pity that the results are so slow in coming.

  • As Heather said, the hair has never lifted.

    OG   Hope your appt went well and that you all enjoy this evening.

  • There is a wonderful picture on BBC Scotlands pictures for 22 - 29th June. It is taken in a garden in South Loch Ness and shows 4 red squirrels feeding. Well worth seeing all the pictures but this is my favourite. Just imagine having 4 red squirrels in your garden. I am envious. We haven't seen one for a few days now.

  • Morning all:  Quick catch up here. V busy last few days. Tile now officially done!  Painter next, then the plumber to install the fixtures, then the guys who screw things in walls, etc.  We lose a day of work next week (July 4) :-(     I'm looking at going home sometime after the 9th.

    AQ; You want dry heat?  I have a whole lot of dry heat and would love to send some.

    OG: OH does not cook.  He likes regular and fairly traditional meals. I prefer to graze on light healthy stuff.

    We are going to the Prescott Rodeo next week, right before July 4 and fireworks, which have been canceled in so many areas due to the fire risk but the local show is in a huge park and the fire department will be there in force, so we can only assume the risk is understood   The rodeo is alleged to be the oldest in the country; the part I'm looking forward to most is the team of English Shire Horses.  Maybe I'll hop on one and ride it back to England.   It's going to be a very 'patriotic" experience and frankly I doubt I'll be singing along with the national anthem...very depressed about the political state of affairs

  • Ah, but having Trump as your leader is just like having an objectionable husband, Annette -- one day, you will be divorced from him but you will still keep the same friends you have always had - and you will find that one day, when he's gone you'll still love your country and sing the anthem with the same gusto, just as a divorced lady still sings "I will survive!!" with her friends!

    (Hope that rambling makes sense!)

    Enjoy the shire horses, lovely creatures. The work is progressing: but I was surprised to see that it's all going to take so long, it's major work alright.

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    Went to visit sis in law this afternoon - once again we sat inside. We talked of dogs and holidays, relatives and caravans, and dogs! 

  • dibnlib said:

    There is a wonderful picture on BBC Scotlands pictures for 22 - 29th June. It is taken in a garden in South Loch Ness and shows 4 red squirrels feeding. Well worth seeing all the pictures but this is my favourite. Just imagine having 4 red squirrels in your garden. I am envious. We haven't seen one for a few days now.

    looked for your pics, but found others instead: will look again tomorrow!