Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 June 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Black Bear Cub, Glacier National Park, USA
National Park Service/Tim Rains
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Those high temps are, I assume, accompanied by high humidity. Give me dry heat rather than humid. Just now 7 am here in freezy Adelaide, it is 3.3, having been down to 2.2. OH is still slumbering in warmth LOL.

  • Nanny duty was a breeze. It was “bath day”. Dau left me to extract twins from play in shower. MissL was getting tired, I asked MissJ to choose books to read, we 3 snuggled together on lounge, me reading. I found bed toys, MissL happily climbed into bed, I sang the “cattie” song and that was the last I saw of her. MissJ supervised me washing dishes, I sat down waiting for washing machine to finish. “Mummy’s home and we haven’t done all our chores”, calls MissJ. Note the “we” !!!!

  • Love it, AQ!  - you've all been busy!  Yes, it's humid, tiring heat here. Records are being broken for June in many parts of the country, and young men have drowned going for swims in rivers and lakes. (Even in a heatwave, the water can be bitterly cold and you can get cramp very quickly).

    Chrisy  - I think mine's died of clematis wilt. It's not the first time I've lost a clematis in mysterious circumstances. This one had several gorgeous flowers last year, and this year we were thrilled to see there were more. But now there's nothing left of the plant. :-(

  • The Army has been called out now, to the moorland fires. Apparently it's so bad that the smoke can be seen from space!

  • Evening all:

    Forestboar: Good news always welcome.

    and Lindybird:  Haven't had too much of a problem with Windows 10; you can organize the desktop so it's familiar enough....

    Diane: Moon is gorgeous here!

  • Lindy - I think I have finally cracked photographs in Windows 10, after many frustrations.  I now ignore all the options they give me, and go straight into the camera software in 'My PC'  I can then download simply and store in my own folders.  It took many hours/days to discover this works!  I would happily condemn Windows 10 to Room 101 - if there were a decent alternative!

  • Good Morning, All.  A restless night, with strange, colourful dreams! To be blessed with imagination means that quite often my dreams are epic productions!

    Off to the hairdressers this morning: mine is very down to earth so will bring me back to normal, LOL!

    Pat -  I think that's what I've been doing! But sometimes I can't get the photos to go in new folders, so some of mine now have hundreds in each one!  

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • Couldn't post last evening - suffering from heat exhaustion - slightly better this morning but still falling asleep over the keyboard!  OH is mowing now to avoid being out in most intense heat of the day.  Supposed to go to a talk on the Flow Country this evening, at our museum - will see how we feel then.  We have some flow country down here, as well as bigger areas up north, and there is an academic Carbon Centre based at Dumfries Campus to study Carbon capture etc.

    Enjoyed our lunch yesterday, and came home via Gretna Outlet to buy new sandals for OH, and a few minor purchases.  J enjoyed his dinner with colleagues, but drove rather than using the train with the others, so he could come home quite early - he doesn't drink at all, and didn't want to be out late as he is still recovering from a sore throat - he also doesn't like to be with them when they are drinking.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Oh, OG.  Sorry you're suffering.  Is there a nice cool room in your house where you can sit?  I suppose you won't fancy going out later, unless its held in a nice airy room, with windows open.   What is Flow Country? - not heard of that.  Glad that J enjoyed his dinner.

    I went to the hairdressers which was thankfully a cool room, with fans going and a marble floor.  Staggered off to the supermarket where I parked the car, and bought some meringues to go with the fruit we will be eating for dessert. Feel itchy now, I think I'll have to shake out the t shirt I wore this morning. Just off to put more laundry out - washed my OH's heavy dressing gown which is usually the devil to get dry, but not today!

  • A souvenir of our visit to Glaslyn the other day - I bought a mouse mat with this picture on it, but I won't be using it as a mouse mat, more likely to fix it on the wall!

    Courtesy of Bywyd Gwylit Glaslyn Wildllfe....