Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 June 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Black Bear Cub, Glacier National Park, USA
National Park Service/Tim Rains
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Heather B said:

    PS Baby is called Emilia Alice. I've been teaching Bella to say Milly.....

    Lovely names, Heather. Hope both mum and dad recover from the birth soon!  

  • PAT - you make me feel exhausted just reading your list of commitments - although I sometimes regret that I can't be that busy now!  I never did the sport things, but when I was fit, I was that busy with church and community activities.

    HEATHER - sweet names for the new baby; my Aunt whose real name was Amelia was always known as Minnie or just Min!.  Sorry your Son is so tired - he'll really know what it's like when they are at home without you there to help!  Has he reduced his time at the shop for a few weeks?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - he'll be back at the shop on Friday! Consequence of being self employed..... No paternity leave, unfortunately. My daughter in law is very stoical and will be fine. Just as we all had to be, back in the day!

  • Absolutely, Heather. We had to "just get on with it" -- my mother came around for just the 1st few days, to load up the w. machine for me, but otherwise I had no help with two youngsters after my second one was born. My parents lived only five minutes walk away but for some reason my mother thought I should cope without help. Our neighbours said "Aren't you lucky having your parents move in just around the corner!" but had no idea that I barely saw them.

    We had the day we planned today - a nice walk in the hills this morning (Bonnie rolled in something slimy and smelly, and had to be washed, later!) followed by sitting on our decking with a cuppa after lunch, then more of the same later, in the sunshine. Have just had a good plate of steak & onions, and am finishing off the white wine whilst packing ready to leave early tomorrow - the original plan was to stay until evening, but it will be too hot to travel mid day, and we're worried about our garden at home, too.

  • Good idea to get back to the garden tomorrow LINDA - and not to travel in midday sun!  Safe journey in the morning.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Understand why you will need to get back to the garden and allotment, LINDY. Hope your journey will be fine.

    Trauma today, here. Bella screaming and attempting to bite her Mum. This following her first introduction to new baby. Sam thinks the baby is 'lovely' and will be a great help, I think. He is 11 now.

  • I hope Bella has settled tonight; all very hard for her to understand.  Glad Sam can be helpful - he always sounds a very caring boy!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • She has gone to sleep, OG. Tired and overwrought. Sam is indeed a very caring lad. We'll see what tomorrow brings!

  • Good Evening everyone.

    Congratulations Heather, on the latest addition to your family. I like the name.

    I was wondering how old Sam was now. I remember you always spoke of him with great affection.

    Lindy, I love the sound of all those 'cuppa's' you are having on your decking!

    AQ,  That blackberry and ginger morsel sounds good. I have never tried those flavours together, but would be very willing to do so.

    Hallo to OG, PatO, dibnlib  and everyone else not mentioned.

    We are off to Heathrow early tomorrow to collect Granddaughter for a two week stay.