Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 June 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Black Bear Cub, Glacier National Park, USA
National Park Service/Tim Rains
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Heather - missed your post.  So pleased your new granddaughter arrived safely.  Congratulations to the whole family.

  • Heather: I'm so happy for you and your family. Best wishes to the new baby!

  • Annette: I'd probably enjoy that book about Galveston. I've read an article or two about that storm.

    Nice to see you, Pat O. 

  • Great news Heather. Best wishes for babe and family.

  • Out this morn for coffee plus a blackberry & ginger morsel – delicious - at Murattis with travel-Friend. Dau & Co visited yesterday for a/tea. It was cool but fine enough for a visit to playground, leaving Dau & I to relax!

  • Sounds yummy, AQ!

    Good Morning, Everyone.  Sunny again here, and hot temps predicted. We are off for a walk before it gets too much, then plan to be lazy this afternoon. I began a new book the other day and have also read a whole lot of old magazines!

  • Hi, all, on another summer’s day, looks like weather is staying good for all of us this week.

    Heather – congratulations to all concerned!  How does Sam feel about a second baby sister?

    Pat – good to hear from you – I thought you were planning for three weeks, rather than days, in your peaceful place; however, glad it was good, and the Hickstead days too.

    AQ – sounds like an unusually peaceful visit from the young ones!  What is a Blackberry and Ginger Morsel?

    Linda – already very hot here – enjoy the morning walk and lazy afternoon!

    I have my annual BP etc check with the nurse this afternoon – daft, really, as I get other checks from other health professionals in between!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Thanks to all for good wishes!

    OG- Sam was slightly unimpressed when I told him that he had another sister! Bella doesn't really understand but it will sink in a bit when she visits Mum and babe this afternoon. Unless DiL gets home today, which is quite likely.

    My son is exhausted (even though he wasn't the one doing the hard work!) and the thought of becoming a father again at the age of almost 51 is a sobering one, I think!

    I return home on Wednesday. My eldest son in law has watered my pots and tubs and reports that all is OK at home. It is very hot here today - think the same at home but haven't spoken to any of the family up there, today.

    Have a good day, everyone.

  • PS Baby is called Emilia Alice. I've been teaching Bella to say Milly.....

  • OG - Three weeks … I wish!  I found it difficult enough to fit in three days.  Why do people think when you are retired you have all the time in the world to do things?  I'm busier now than I have ever been in my entire life - the only difference is that I don't get paid!  Don't get me wrong - I enjoy everything I do, but sometimes I just wish there was a little less of it!  This week, for example, I have to set and print 350 church magazines; prepare for new Home Group Course; prepare something thought-provoking for the end of the week; play golf; play two bowls matches; entertain a friend; visit a nearby National Trust property which is holding a water-lily festival; and I believe eating, sleeping and breathing are obligatory.