Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 June 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Black Bear Cub, Glacier National Park, USA
National Park Service/Tim Rains
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Good morning - pleased to see you are okay, DIANE! and thanks for the new thread and the Black Bear, which brought tears to my eyes, remembering Hope!  OH has made porridge so will be back later!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning, and thank you to Diane for starting us off again, and with the lovely Black Bear.

    Glad you're OK, Diane. I remember Hope, too.

    Sunny here this morning, and very warm forecast for the next few days. Enjoy your garden, OG!

  • Good morning, thank you, DIANE.

    Hope you made it to church as planned, OG. Re J's long shower the other day - maybe he thought that the repaired solar panels allowed him to indulge himself!

    I'm happy that you are having good weather, LINDY. It is very warm here, already. I was hanging washing out at 9.30 am and it was obviously going to be a hot day.

    Sorry for lack of replies, I'm reading all but concentration is poor! Bella was very calm when her parents left for the hospital earlier this morning. How things will be as the day goes on and tiredness kicks in, who knows?

  • Don't worry, Heather, we really don't expect constant updates from you in the present busy circumstances!  Hope all goes well and you have happy news today.  (And that Bella is not too demanding)

  • Morning all and thank you Diane for starting us off yet again.

    Heather: Just give us the headlines when you get a chance!

    Off to start the day here.

  • Beautiful evening – sky is deep blue and has been all day.  Good to see the weather bringing so many smiles to faces at church this morning.  Spent time in garden afternoon and evening and ticked a number of items on OH’s To Do list!

    Heather – I do hope Bella has been good for you today and that bedtime went smoothly.

    Most posters absent today – I hope this is due to enjoying summer and not due to problems!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Bella has been splendidly well behaved today and I have just heard that I have a new granddaughter!

  • This poster has been at Hickstead all day (well for the last four days, actually) enjoying the sunshine and some really good show jumping.  I've been 'playing' all this week, having been to a lovely peaceful place for three days to start the week.  I'll have to wind myself up again tomorrow … busy week ahead!

    It seems summer has arrived at last.  Although I seem to remember writing that some time ago - since when we seem to have had nothing but rain and cold …

    Heather - hope all goes well with the imminent arrival.  Just heard a friend of mine has become a great-aunt for the second time - a little brother for his almost-two-yarer-old sister.

    Hope the coming week is good for everyone, and that you are all able to enjoy the summer weather we are having in the south-east.

  • Heather B said:

    Bella has been splendidly well behaved today and I have just heard that I have a new granddaughter!

    Congratulations, Heather!  I hope everything went smoothly for mother and child.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Congratulations to you, the happy parents and to Bella, Heather!  - wonderful news. I expect Bella will become a little mother to her new sister in no time.