Yesterday's intruders maintained the spring in EJ's step, here's GJ with rival NF2:
EJ with JC6:
Snap #2 thanks to Moffer
(No prizes for guessing what I've been up to but not yet found an ideal result.)
I've realised that I forgot all about JC6 due to editor problems yesterday, better commemorate him with a vid. EDIT - but I can't, as my cam was down between 1206 and 1240hr, while I was "not here" :'(
Tonight the cam has been down more than half a dozen times since midnight, it's up at the mo.
You haven't missed much great vid for when JC6 was on the nest Scylla ... it was all shot from Tree cam and none from Nest cam. I have a recording if you would like it.
I hope you've got daycam, TRYING, cos my LG laptop died! I mean, really, died !!! It says the battery's flat but I've never used it on battery. Enough said for here.
So I'm recording the nest on netbook, which froze :'(
Oops, I forget all about YouTube rewind for LG.
DAYCAM 03:12:54:
Now - not an awful-looking day:
EJ just landed - so lucky I was recording as it's all not-go here! She's flown up to the campost, I think.
Yes, scrape-scrape, she's up there.
Flown away from campost.
Back again with a little stick? And tweets.
It was quite a big stick, in fact:
She's stickifying away, have this from VLC to be going along with :)
Flown again.
Back with dear familiar picture handler ;)
This has all been a bit of a dog's dinner, I'm afraid, and in the middle of it my editor refused to work unless I installed an update >:(