DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Wednesday, 06 June 2018

After an enormous fish delivery from George and a male intruder yesterday, EJ must be sleeping well tonight. © RSPB - Loch Garten and Carnyx Wild

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  • Have just looked back What a drama yesterday eve Wonderful captures MOFFER and BNN If we had had it I bet the sound of it all would have been incredible Glad EJ got that whopper eventually. Wish GJ could have been like that all the time and thenhe would indeed have been a worthy successor to Odin and just what EJ deserves Why is his behaviour so irratic?

    Lovely views in the afternoon thank to the roving camera Thanks for fixing it LG

  • Hi Patily.

    Moffer, I can't hear any sound other than the background hum.

  • Good Morning All

    Thanks CC for starting us off.   

    I am trying to catch up on last night, great reporting everyone, I am looking at Birdie's first video, EJ so wanted that fish from G. then when he flew off with it.  What drama and I missed it all.

    EDIT: Well I hope EJ ate all of that fish it will keep her going for a good few days.  It was a whopper.   The videos were great Birdie, just a pity no sound, I bet the noise would have been off the decibel scale. 

    Thank You 25Mac for the forecast, at least usually when you get those kind of temps at this time of year, it means its a very good day that follows.

  • I did put edited vids on the end of yesterday, and nightcam.  Just going to do an overnight/early morning catchup now, but I somehow think MOFFER didn't miss much ;)

    Very sorry about your friend, Moffer, hoping for the best.

    Thank you for the weather report, 25MAC :)

    Good morning, PATILY and MARY :)

    As for you, MIKE - it goes without saying ;)

  • MC. That video of the intruder was amazing. What made me laugh was the fact that EJ grabbed the fish in the midst of the melee and started tucking in! Eventually flying off with it!

    It did seem as though that intruder may have followed GJ once he'd caught that fish.

  • scylla said:

    I did put edited vids on the end of yesterday, and nightcam.  

    Good Morning Scylla - you must have sneaked those videos in, after I had checked all the goings on.  I am off to look at yours now too :-)   

  • CATCHUP (sparse)

    Pre-midnight there was a buffer, and the nest was so still that I thought we must be frozen - until some light came thru not long after 0200:

    It was like that all night, not a blade stirred.

    DAYCAM 03:18hr with the moon still up:

    Mike B said:
    It did seem as though that intruder may have followed GJ once he'd caught that fish.

    Yesterday when the intruder was unseen and EJ was on the nest I was thinking it must be a male and hoping it would bring a fish - and when it landed in the evening I thought it had something small in one foot but then couldn't see anything.

    What about GJ, tho?!!!  If only he knew how to behave !!!  It seems that those dubious eggs and EJ's rejections have ruined the season for everyone - except GJ, that is, who carries on blithely oblivious to what he's missing ;)

  • MaryGK said:
    I am off to look at yours now too :-)   

    You must be the most conscientious of all of us, MARY :-*  And I bet you are a speed-reader :o

    Good morning, JENNIFER :)

  • Yeah he is missing a lot Scylla in more ways than one. :-)  

    I probably shouldn't say this but I hope he is missing next season too, because each season is so precious for EJ, the thought of him turning up and not providing for her like he has this season, and another failed nest doesn't bare thinking about.   

    OK his behaviour has been normal but very very intermittently, I would rather pin my hopes on EJ attracting another male to provide for her than him, I don't think my nerves could take another season with him as the male.     You can tell how disappointed I am not for me but for EJ.  

    She is such a good mother and provider, it is sad to see her make her migration and not have chicks.  

    Sorry if this offends anyone, but I speak from the heart not the head as you probably know already :-) 

  • I hope they both return next season.  I'd like to see how things will work if he arrives within a week of her.  He showed so much promise earlier this season - I'm convinced that the first two eggs are what put him off and led to his losing interest.  We've all seen that he's capable of defending the nest, bringing fish and incubating and the last thing I want to do is wish for the non-return of a young bird who has so much of his life still ahead of him.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.