LOCH GARTEN OSPREY GABFEST for June, July, Aug, Sept 2018


    Will get back to the PMs - saw them tonight.

    I travelled south later today after some time at Dyfi and Llyn Clwedog.

    Great to see 10 Ospreys from 2 nests. All present at both nests.

    I was excited as I last saw 3J wing flapping as a chick when I visited Manton Bay in July 2013. This is the first time I have seen her since and she looks like an old hand at being a parent to 3 of her own chicks. She did amuse when she flew off for a few minutes and came back carrying a plastic bread wrapper.

    Saturday TEGID BLUE Z1 returned to fly over the observatory first time he has been sighted since May when he returned as a 2 year old back to his natal nest and today an unidentified blue ringed intruder.

    All in all the project at Dyfi since the first hatching on the nest 25 April 2011 has been a very exciting and very productive project not just for Dyfi but for Wales and I thanked Janine and Alwyn for their parts in this journey.

    Also DELYTH and DYLAN were in form with their chicks at CLYWEDOG. More difficult to see as their is only a hut and used my own scope and binoculars. Their were other visitors and a man at site explaining matters to us. Don't know if he was an official.

    Anne - Moved south for reasons but will be back in North Wales and will send you a PM.

  • Gardenbirder - I am sure you are just as excited on The Glasslyn and am sure excited about Llyn Brenig and seeing BLUE 24.

    I still understand they still think 1 chick so far. Well 10 chicks from 4 nests at least but I heard the other Snowdonia nest failed this year.

    I saw Blue 24 on the Dyfi on the telegraph pole a couple of years back keeping her distance and certainly will pop in to see her on her own nest.

  • JUNE - Post 7:21

    I really do not know what these birds think.

    I have given up on them long time ago.

  • Hi All.  I should be in bed by now, but wanted quickly to say that we think we saw Blue 24 on Monday afternoon.  By that I mean that we saw an adult Osprey on the nest on Llyn Brenig.  We only saw one adult in the time we were there, but judging by its behaviour we presumed it was Blue 24 considering that it is usually the female who spends most of her time on the nest.  The adult was sitting on the nest, mostly facing away from us, but looking around occasionally, when we arrived shortly after 3.30pm.  At one point I noticed movement (possibly about 4pm--forgot to note the time) and saw the bird dive into the water only a few metres from the nest pole, then fly around in an arc and back onto the nest.  Shortly afterwards I could see it lowering its head and then raising it again which made me think it was eating a fish.  I could not tell if it was feeding any chicks or only itself.  It was too far away for me to see if it had actually caught a fish when it dived so it may have been eating a fish which was already on the nest, although the up and down head movement did not happen until after it had made the dive so it may have caught a fish.  Then Mr. GB, who was using a scope, clearly saw another Osprey's head on the nest and we presumed that it was a fairly well developed chick.  We could not see if there was more than one chick.  At one point a driver stopped to chat.  He told us that a boat had gone out to the nest that morning, Monday, with the purpose of ringing 'two chicks' but he did not know the outcome of the ringing so we still do not know how many chicks there are!

    Keith, Sounds like you had a good time at Dyfi and at Clewedog--hope we can get to both of those places ourselves.  And we plan to go back to Llyn Brenig again as well.  Possibly Dyfi next and then back to Glaslyn on Friday and on Sunday (and the next 2 Wednesday afternoons as well with friends in tow).  Happy days!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Only one thing is certain.  They do not read the book.

  • Good afternoon all. Gardenbirder I must have just missed you as were at Dyfi on Monday 2. It's the first time for us at Dyfi shame we couldn't have gone to Glaslyn as well but I only had the long weekend but what a great long weekend it was. We saw Telyn and her chicks who will be ringed very soon. In a weeks time we were told. We were really impressed by the observatory and generally the reserve.

    When we arrived Monty had been gone for an hour and a half but returned eventually with a large fish. He sat on the Tper h eating the head so we thought he'd bring the rest in to his family! We did not see him give up his fish but seemed like there would not be much left he seemed to be eating for ages!

    We visited the little hide that was named after Ceri. Such a peaceful beautiful place so fitting for her! It overlooks a pool  surrounded by reeds and dragonflies.

    It definitely requires many more visits in the future.

  • Gardenbirder you are so lucky to have seen the lovely B24! I'm so happy to see that she now has her own family. It was heart breaking to see her return every year only to have her breeding chances thwarted every year! It's been a long time coming as she is now 8 (I read on her thread)

    Would have loved to go to Glaslyn but that will be next year now!

    I plan to retire next year so will have more time to do the things I want to do!

    Keith glad you also got to visit  the Dyfi!

  • Bente nice to see you post again on here and thankyou for sharing the photos of your lovely little boy! He's growing up fast!!