Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 June 2018

Happy New Week!

I hope everyone has a wonderful and easy week! 

Grizzly Bear at Frying Pan Spring in Yellowstone National Park
U.S. National Park Service/Jim Peaco
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Good Morning.  Dry, and wispy grey clouds here.

    Chrisy, Don't worry about being interesting: my last post was on about defrosting freezers and mopping floors! Don't know why I was warbling on....... The Open Garden sounds lovely, how big is it?

    Annette - Sounds as if real progress is being made, there. Hope your OH decides to pop down and join in! 

    AQ - It's been ridiculously dry here - we're going to have to get the hose out in the garden soon, as just putting cans of water on our pots is not enough. Hope the twins enjoyed their birthday.

    Heather - I wanted to watch M. Portillo last night, even though I've seen it before, but we were too late sitting down to catch it - it's a great series, hope to see tonight's episode.

    OG - Sounds as if you've had more rain there than we have, but I wonder if your crops are suffering or if you're able to keep on top of it with watering.

  • Botheration - lost my post - and it was quite coherent for me!  Will try again later!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • - The same thing has just happened to me. It just wouldn't post. darn it.

  • How silly. It was quite a long post. maybe that was the problem. Anyway, can't stop - Katie is unwell and is on her way here.

  • So, okay, I’ll try again – not so lazy this time: do it in Word, then I can’t lose it!

    Chrisy – I hope we shall see posts from you more often – I write a load of non-interesting stuff – life not so interesting since the accident last year – but others can choose whether they read it!  And as for knowing what’s going on or interrupting conversations, most of us often lose the plot anyway (well, you have to excuse us, several of us are of a certain age - but 1948 was a very good year!)  Was that the Ruskin garden you helped at?  I think you have said you live quite near there.

    AQ – must be dry if even the weeds are failing – ours are doing well as usual!  I hope the cold/cough is gone.

    Annette – wow! That is a long bathroom project!  I can understand your OH having some reluctance to visit in a house with three women – especially if Chutes and Ladders isn’t his favourite game!

    Linda – OH will have to water the lawns tonight – with the sprinkler if the water pressure is up to it!  Everything else will need a drink too, but he seems happy wandering around with cans and hoses (see yesterday’s shopping list!  Nothing has succumbed to drought, even a few things recently moved.  The early radishes have finished, but the salad leaves are still keeping us up to our five a day – chose a variety which don’t bolt too soon.

    Heather – sorry Katie is unwell – hope it’s not serious.

    Been spending alternate time indoors and out today because it’s quite hot in the sun.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • If you go back to the first page of this column, both Rosy and I had trouble posting (there was no blue button for me, to click on!). So it seems to be an ongoing problem.

    Heather, I hope that as OG says, its nothing too serious for poor Katie.

    Sunny here now:  I went out this morning to do errands, and buy grub from Sainsbugs, It was grey and chilly then and I took a coat with me, but didn't need it in the end. Now fiddling with some photographs I have processed so hope to put some on here soon.

    My OH says that he has just picked up an empty cigarette packet in our street, on the opposite corner. This is where a large white van has been parked every day since the workmen have been busy fitting out and replastering in the house which is being renovated.  And he has picked up a similar packet EVERY DAY for over a week now....

  • Morning all: Electricians got here at 7:30 this morning! Appropriate noises now emanating from that part of the house...

    OG: You hit the nail on the head re OH's reluctance to visit!  I told him to fly for a weekend and stay at the motel down the road, but not sure he's up for that either, though he does love the heat.

    Off to get Ms. D breakfast and ready for her early-morning movie show.

  • Hello all

    CHRISY- all are welcome here! The more the merrier :-)

    A lovely day here, did some weeding and trying to cut around edges of round stepping stones that OH set into the grass in the back garden. Please note that I don't refer to it as a lawn. It might get ideas above it's station and require more care than I am willing to give it!

    Katie is OK. It seems to have been a bit of educational stress! She is very intent on becoming a teacher and knows what lies ahead but is feeling a bit of pressure just now. I think that all pupils and all teachers maybe have got that end of term fatigue. She and Amy are both coming here tomorrow. A change of scenery?

  • A lovely day here again. I had a trip to the Esthwaite osprey cafe, and saw the three new chicks, very nice.

    Thanks for the interest in the open garden, it belongs to friends and is just outside Bowness, they have opened for two days a year for maybe 20 years. It is about 3 acres woodland and 2 of more formal garden  and a paddock with a small flock of little black Hebredian  sheep. It is a lot of work, but they still enjoy it.  

  • LINDY   Is OH inclined to have a word with white van people? Why can't they just take their rubbish away with them? Litter is one of the things that really enrages me.

    A beautiful morning here again. I will swim and hope it is still like this later.