Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 June 2018

Happy New Week!

I hope everyone has a wonderful and easy week! 

Grizzly Bear at Frying Pan Spring in Yellowstone National Park
U.S. National Park Service/Jim Peaco
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Off to see if the freezer which I defrosted yesterday and cleaned out this morning is now ready to receive some stuff. Also am waiting for my kitchen floor to dry. Since my OH retired I have abandoned most of my weekly rota of doing certain things around the house on certain days, except for doing laundry mid week, weather permitting.  However, although its nice to go out for walks and jaunts to shops etc, sometimes I look around and hope no one comes to visit us without invitation!

  • Lindybird: Has anyone alert AC that nobody will be around when she's here?  Maybe she can cancel her ticket.  (Then again, maybe she'll just reschedule....)

    ChrisyB: Yes, it is nice to have you pop in.

    We are off to a new and noisy week!

  • AQ - what you say makes good sense! I think that my problem was that I haven't seen Bella for eight months and don't really have a relationship with her - yet! I was an observer but when I am looking after her I will remember your advice about saving confrontations for the really important things and giving her choices. She is so like my middle daughter at that age - and Amy!

    Chrisy - nice to see you!

    LINDY - I enjoyed reading your long post and I'm just sorry that I can't reciprocate! One of these days my fingers will fly over the keyboard. I've had a bit of a boring day - cleaned a bathroom, cleaned my bedroom and picked a few weeds as I passed them! Truly, they seem to spring up overnight as you say. And no rain to feed them, either! I would like to fork over the front garden borders but the soil is so dry that it would be a very bad idea. Better keep whatever moisture there is down where it belongs!

    Gosh, ANNETTE - I didn't realise that you were in Arizona for so long. You must be getting homesick?

    DIBNLIB - your river cruise sounds lovely. Enjoy :-) I think that your chips are what my OH called chuckies!

  • I'm just about to travel by rail through California, with Michael Portillo!

  • OG- I hope that your granddaughter gets her first choice for her midwifery training. I belong to the era when you had to do SRN first and then - I think- eighteen months extra to be SCM. It was the same for psychiatry, which, for my sins, I chose! I did, however, work in an NHS maternity home for two years as a nurse and I so wished that I had 'done' midwifery! I assisted at many deliveries and had the utmost respect and admiration for the midwives (it was a midwife led unit - no doctors unless absolutely necessary!)/p>

  • Good evening all; a pleasant day here – muggy in parts but not too bad.  I went out with my hair still damp this morning and have spent ages trying to comb out the knots from the slight breeze!  That’ll teach me to be so lazy.

    Pat – the most recent Microsoft updates seem to have gone on longer than ever before – and I still don’t know why we don’t all get them at the same time!  OH and I have near identical PCs with the same software, but we get offered slightly different things at different times.

    Chrissy – good to see a post from you.  Granddaughter was doing Science PGCE fieldwork in the Lakes at half term and then extended it to the weekend wild camping and walking with her Dad: they got very wet!

    AQ – some good coping strategies there!  Happy Birthday to the Twins.

    Annette – two Daus not yet speaking, since their very few words at GSon’s wedding.  Older one does ask whether I have heard from her Sister, but other one doesn’t want to be reminded that she has one!  I hope your second week of working goes well – will they finish before next weekend?

    Linda – I hope you didn’t get storms from the grey clouds you saw this morning – I see that you later enjoyed garden time again.  We have to defrost our chest freezer – always say we must do it earlier when it is most empty, although the only thing from the garden so far in there is Rhubarb – need it empty for Beans and Courgettes!

    Dibnlib – chips?  Oh, I get it, chipped bark for the garden?  I hope the Tern’s nest will have a successful outcome!

    Heather – good to see you.  GDau wouldn’t be too disappointed if she gets second choice – when York were being negative with her, Napier was her new favourite!  My girls were born in nurse-led units – with GPs on call.  GP was there when the first one arrived, but didn’t do anything except hold my hand (no husbands anywhere near in those days!)

    We went to a garden centre this morning with a varied list – and found everything for once, including a replacement French Tarragon (previous caught some sort of infestation), and extra Hebe, a new hosereel, watering can, etc.  Shared a very large deli omelette for lunch, served with salad and sweet potato fries.  Then we went to Asda for a few groceries before a drink at the OTB on the way home.  Very pleasant day out, but very tiring for me getting in and out the car and on and off the scooter.  Got home to find a note from local police that our alarm system had been misbehaving; maintenance company had sorted it remotely, but engineer will visit tomorrow to give it a check.  Otherwise, should be a quiet day tomorrow – although will probably have to water the grass (after weekend treatment) if it doesn’t rain.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hi, I do sometimes nearly join in here but then think it would not be interesting, or may be interrupting the conversation..?

    Anyway, on Sunday, I was helping at an Open Garden, for the NGS, they do it every year. I am on the gate, taking the cash for the charities, and the visitors are always really nice and appreciate the garden and also the home made cakes that my friend bakes!

    They had the hoses out a lot with it being so unusually dry, but it is partly woodland and a couple of ponds so those were all right.

    I am hoping my bonsai trees will survive too.

  • ChrisyB – Do join in. Interesting? The more the merrier. I think it’s like a salad; a bit of this, some of that, a dash of other. I add my pennyworth at least once a week.


    A chilly 7 C this morn at 6 am. I couldn’t get back to sleep, so early breakfast. Rain promised for Friday. The garden is so dry even the weeds have failed.

  • Thanks AQ. We should not really complain about the weather in this country, when we can see the extremes others have.

  • Evening all:

    OG: Let's hope time will mellow Dau#2.  Plumbing prep done (we are actually relocating the shower); electricians due tomorrow and dry-wall folks on Thursday.  Tile guy due next Monday and that's where things slow down due to whatever it is they use on the walls/floors needing time to cure before he even starts setting the tiles. Apparently there are multiple "cure" stages so tile won't be finished for about two weeks. Then cabinets, new toilet, etc to be installed;  shower fixtures and trim to follow, then paint applied.  So a few weeks yet....   It's good in that I'm able to spend  time with family on a one-on-one and combined basis, but bad because OH has run out of the food I prepared and is missing me.  He does have the option of hopping on a plane though....

    ChrisyB; Gosh, if "interesting" were a prerequisite for posting on this thread, I for one would have far less to say!  :-)  And don't worry about interrupting; we all frequently lose the plot so probably wouldn't notice anything. Whereabouts was your Open Garden?  I'm currently in Arizona at about 5K ft and daytime temps are in the 90s, but fall to high 50s at night.  I fondly remember the UK's more gentle climate (but not sure I could cope with so much rain).

    AQ:  Wow - so even the weeds aren't growing. Things are bad indeed.  

    Am reading All the Light We Cannot See and am really enjoying it.  

    Take care everyone.