DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Trying said it best: "Lets show them today, how unpredictable we can be..." Just as we thought the season winding down, the unpredictability of ospreys jumped into play. So GJ delivered two fish (or reasonable parts of fish, #one and #two) to EJ, and proceeded to sit on the eggs.  (Moffer's pic of fish #2 delivery) (I just can't post another goofy pic of him sitting! Here's scylla's vid.) Is this season a training session for the next season? Yikes. RSPB FB Abernethy posted a note on GJ's delivery and incubation, compliments of 25mac. I believe we are all flabbergasted, which just goes to show that our human "rational" logic has nothing to do with the way nature operates. :-P

Other than these puzzling events at the Loch Garten nest, we had an unidentified flying object, an appreciation of EJ's dulcet tones when fish calling, and these words were written more than once near the day's end: "Curiouser and curiouser..."


The Daily Update is for recording - with comments, snaps and videos - today's events on the nest.  Banter is permitted ;)  General osprey questions and discussions should be posted in the Osprey Chat thread.

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