Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 May 2018


I hope everyone has a great week!

White-Tailed Deer
U.S. National Park Service/R. Cammauf
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Lovely garden plants, Linda - I am still struggling to resize mine - it'll be a whole new season before I have them ready to post, I reckon!  I think I need a few dedicated sessions at the PC to sort out various sets of garden photographs - not to mention Grandson's wedding: received a whole new batch of them from him last weekend.

    Hair feels much lighter - am having it cut after just four weeks next time a she will be on hols in 5 weeks, and I daren't leave it six weeks!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Pleased to hear that you had more Wedding photos from your Grandson, OG.

    I use a site called "PicResize" who do it for free, and it's fairly simple to follow the instructions.

  • It's a beautiful day, here. My OH has gone to the allotment to put in some baby beetroot plants which we brought home from our trip with us.

    My Friend came around today, as she only got back from a holiday abroad yesterday and she had a doctors appointment today. She has been told that her symptoms indicate the possibility of bowel cancer, and they are arranging for her to see a specialist urgently.  We sat in our garden and discussed it without being emotional, as we have been down this path before - if you remember I have said that she has been ill many times. She is dreading telling her family, though.  It doesn't seem fair that some people seem to get so much bad luck.

  • OG   I went for my haircut this morning and realised too late that it is tomorrow at 0915. Usually have it done on a Tues but my usual hairdresser is on maternity leave so had to change my routine.

    LINDY  Wonderful pics, thank you.

    Our weather did indeed brighten up, but not till about 3 pm. We now have a truly glorious evening, but that still didn't persuade Benson for a 3rd walk!!!

  • LINDY   Sorry to read about your friend and yes it certainly doesn't seem fair.

  • Hi all:  Demo crew has been and gone and we can now see through walls!  They arrived at the crack of 8 a.m. Plumber came too to remove old plumbing and to close off outlets in that area.   Head guy stopped by to ensure all going well. Everything left clean. Tomorrow we meet with head guy and tile guy to confirm final decisions. Framing starts first thing Thursday. Phew.

    Lindybird: Geez; I hope your friend's doc is being too pessimistic. .  :-(   On a more positive note, lovely pix of lovely flowers.

    OG: How nice to get more wedding pix - your grandson seems very thoughtful.  My husband reported two starlings having a splash in the fountain last evening with one looking on.

  • May look in again after Brekky, but realised this thread needs bumping up before it drops off the bottom!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning.  Slept in a bit today. It's very grey here, and temps are not supposed to be as warm as of late.

  • Good morning ALL

    I think that the haar will disappear earlier today. It was after 5.30pm last evening before we saw blue sky.

    Time is a bit limited (!) but wanted to say thanks for the super pics from LINDY and ANNETTE and AQ - and for all the news from folk.

    The house is indeed busy with the little people and their parents, and the painter is here, doing the exterior woodwork. One side (the sunny side) is in trouble, the boards are rotting. I wasn't aware until he scraped off the old paint. He will patch and repair but I will have to get it replaced with in the next couple of years. Something else to add to the list!

    Must go into the shower - my son is one of those 'get up and go' people and I like to have a slower start to the day.....

  • OH isn't ready to go out yet, so I am back.

    HEATHER - same here re haar and sunshine yesterday - was a very sunny evening until sunset.  Today is mixed so far, but mostly bright, and we are going to spend the day at Caerlaverock.  Apparently may have some rain (what's that?) this evening!  Little people and painters together?  Hmm - no wonder you are busy.  Sorry you have boards to be replaced - we all know they don't last forever, but it always comes as a surprise!

    LINDA - you were probably tired after your holiday!  I hope you and the washing machine have recovered after the unpacking!  I was so sorry to hear about your dear friend's health scare yesterday.  How long before she gets any test results?

    ANNETTE - sounds like a good start to the bathroom works, getting the demolition finished in the one day.

    J has just gone out - needs to be back middle of the day as he is going to a lunchtime craft session at work - teacher wants to try making a musical instrument so he volunteered to be involved!  Then he will be home to make our Wednesday dinner.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!