Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 May 2018


I hope everyone has a great week!

White-Tailed Deer
U.S. National Park Service/R. Cammauf
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Quick look in as also have a deadline for my blathery little column for the next issue of the magazine and it's very quiet first thing.

    OG: There's no dust from the work in the main part of the house because they've sealed off the area they're working in. Yes, two other showers in the house although granddaughter's is the larger and more popular!  Daughter is also spending some of the work days at friend's house so has access to shower (and peace and quiet).  Meanwhile, the outside temps combined with the wind are a bit wearing, although some people seem to thrive and daughter says it's not even "that hot" yet.   :-((   OH is giving me daily updates on coastal weather.... sigh.

    Can't believe the storms you guys are having. There was never weather this severe when I was growing up....

  • ANNETTE - sorry you are finding the heat so wearing.  Very pleasant day today, but had to catch up with various things.  We were going to go to a talk on the Scottish witch trials this evening, but I sent OH on his own - I am interested but just couldn't be bothered!

    Seems to be a real confusion over J's possible eye surgery - last appt with the surgeon, he was told it may not be necessary so he would write to the optician for him to discuss it with J, and it would be J's final decision.  No copy of that letter (if there was one) ever came, then today a copy letter telling optician he has listed J for surgery!  J has talked with optician on the phone, and the two of them will discuss this tomorrow - been going on for a number of years now

    It seems the eye clinic has woken from slumber - coincidentally, I also received my rearranged appointment, end of June, for assessment of second cataract - not a good time as both eyes are currently  affected by hay fever!

    Enjoy Friday Lunch, FB and family!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Friend has been told that her appointment is for a week tomorrow with the consultant. This gives her chance now, to go away for a few days with a couple of friends meanwhile. She is being practical as usual, and doing some Parish work before she goes.

    I've been pulling up weeds in the garden. How do nettles get to grow so big in only a few days?!  My poppies are glorious, it always grieves me that they are so fleeting. After lunch we were sitting admiring them, when I got up to fetch the camera from the house to snap a lovely group of four blooms. In the time it took to fetch it, there were only three left! 

    Sounds as if there really is confusion over J's eye surgery - or not.  Hope it gets sorted and he can finally know what's needed, if anything, OG.

    Stormy weather returning tonight for many - hope all are alright.

  • Hello all, just a quick glance through and you've all been posting your news, too much to reply to so thanks for the read. Except pics from AQ's break and Lindybirds garden photos - lovely to see.

    A bit of sad news, we had to put Misty down (cat) as her thyroid problem had got out of control and she had become very lethargic and lost a lot of weight leading to muscle wastage and therefore finding it hard to walk and move about.  Kindest thing to do for her sake.

  • It is the kindest thing to do, Lynette, but a hard decision to make. My sympathies.

  • I survived nanny duty, with a head cold which I suspect came from Little People previous week. Yesterday dratted thing moved to chest, cough cough cough. I feel slightly better this morn after getting some sleep sitting up. Very dry here. No sign of our winter rains (which should start in May). Farmers not happy.


    Linda – I’m coming to raid your garden! Gorgeous blooms.

  • Lynette- Sorry to read of your loss. Always hard to lose a pet.

  • Lynette: I'm so very sorry about your cat. My condolences. 

  • Good Morning, All.  Dry here, in spite of forecast to the contrary. Don't know if we'll just get heavy rain later, or not at all.

    Not good from the farmers point of view, AQ, to miss your seasonal rain. Sorry to hear you're coughing, it's miserable when you can't lay down comfortably. Hope it's short lived.

    My OH has gone out with Bonnie for her morning walk: the fields here are now full of rapeseed which is over 4 ft high, and full of overnight dew - she comes home looking like "a drowned rat" as she runs about in it, looking for rabbits!

  • Evening (or rather morning!) all:  Had a very hectic morning and early afternoon. Tomorrow morning have some running about to do for the remodel. Other than that, everything ahead of schedule.

    OG: Scottish Witch Trials sounds fascinating!  Was this around the same time as the Salem witch trials in the US?   Hope J's eye surgery confusion gets sorted.

    Lindybird:  A shame about the poppies.  I know the roses on my bushes at home have probably all turned brown and ugly - and I'm not there to tidy them up!   Aaack!

    Lynette: So sorry about Misty - how old was she?  We had to put our dear old cat down a couple of months ago when she became too sick to get any real benefit from any treatment.

    AQ:  Feel better soon  Can imagine the farmers aren't the only ones hoping for rain.

    Take care all. Must go back to sleep but first, milk and a cookie!