Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 May 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

Mountain Goat

U. S. National Park Service/Tim Rains
Photo Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Hello all -

    AQ - My word, how the plans for a day can change. Do hope that your daughter is feeling better. When are you on nanny duty again? I do enjoy reading about your days, but sorry that things seemed to go wrong in a more serious way, yesterday.

    ANNETTE - that rose is beautiful. Do you get rose diseases over there? Doesn't look like it! Safe onward journey to Arizona :-)

    LINDY - glad that you have given yourself a break. I think that it was needed.

    Hope that OG enjoyed the visit to the reserve yesterday and is not too tired.

    More garden work for me today. The sun is shining after the haar this morning. Apart from clearing up after my potting up marathon (only eight tubs/pots, you would really think that I had done loads, the way I talk!). I have to chase weeds again. Some I use weedkiller on. Some pull out easily. The royal blue ceanothus is about to bloom, one of my favourites.

    I'm going to Elgin tomorrow. Daughter and I will have a cold lunch at her house and then we will hit the shops. Her OH is still in the US. As is ever the case, the given dates for jobs change all the time. He has been over there since April, is ready to come home if the pending job slips back again.

  • I love ceanothus, Heather: years ago, I just used to think "That blue bush is pretty" when I saw one, without knowing the name of it. Now I wish I had one! (My spellchecker thingy changed the name to "censorship" LOL!)  Enjoy your time with your daughter tomorrow.

    My OH is on his way: he says that Bonnie has missed me. I've enjoyed having some solitary time, and hope to come here again on my own sometime. I wasn't desperate for a break from home, but do get frustrated at the end of the year to look back and find that we've not been here as much as I would like, normally. Unfortunately, it's not possible to be in two places at once! My OH says that the first of my big poppies has just opened at home, plus some clematis on our archway. Grr!

  • LINDY - I remember (hopefully correctly!) that you have Patty's Plum poppy. I don't, but have a painting of it, done by an ex colleague.

    It must be difficult to plan time, with the allotment and golf, etc! It was the same here when OH just wouldn't want to go anywhere if the garden was in full bloom, if the bowls were on etc etc. Then it would be the local Opera company, he used to be the props man. I would give anything to have him back, but all his many interests did restrict our time together, somewhat!!

    And of course, the fishing!!
  • Tried to post last evening but computer and keyboard weren't talking to each other.  After a night's rest, all well when OH checked them this morning, both went shopping in Tesco, and now run out of time - hope to get back to you later today or some time tomorrow if I get Church newsletter finished for printing!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Lindy - I often crave a few days away from 'real life' - so reading about your last few days I can appreciate how much you must have enjoyed them.  I'm sure it will be even better when your OH (and Bonnie, of course) joins you.  I have a three-day break in the middle of June at a lovely place in the middle of nowhere - can't wait!

    OG - Sympathise.  I have just completed the monthly marathon of producing 350 Church magazines ... collecting articles, editing (and correcting spelling/punctuation!), putting it together with the very 'clunky' software we use, finding some pretty pictures to break up the text, then printing.  Now safely delivered to the person who does the distribution.  Already working on the July issue ...

    AQ - Sounds as though you had a very difficult day yesterday.  Do hope you are not too exhausted today, and that your daughter has recovered from her bang on the head.

    Heather - How fortunate to have sunshine.  It's pouring down here - and I was supposed to be going to a lovely local garden at High Beeches to photograph the azaleas.  Very glad we decided to go tomorrow instead, and hoping the rain will have stopped by then.  I do enjoy reading about your gardening - I'm sure it looks lovely.

  • Heather: Is the job offer your son-in-law is considering a permanent job? Or is it a short-term contract? Will your daughter actually move here to be with him? Sorry if I've missed some info. 

  • DIANE - he has been offered a job based in Houston. Unfortunately he ( and my daughter) don't think that moving to Houston is for them. I think that he could make a lot of money there, based on what his US workmates have told him. It is a question for my son in law and daughter, of work/life balance. Some of the guys over there only get home for 2 or 3 months a year. That is not what my daughter and her OH want for their two girls. I must respect their decision, of course.

  • Absolutely, Heather. It's not always about the money, is it?  Our Eldests wife is still expecting to be offered a job in Washington, but it's been held up by decisions over there about restructuring, and if it's too long coming, then they may decline it because Ambers education is more important. They could go there for a few years whilst she is young, but they don't want to interrupt her education once she gets to the high school/exam stages.

  • It's been a very grey day here, and it rained this afternoon. My OH and Bonnie arrived after a swift journey - he didn't stop en route.

  • Glad you are all together, LINDY.