DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Thursday, 17 May 2018

The moment we had all been waiting and hoping for. EJ seen at Rothiemurchus fishing and they posted a little FB video of her drying off (edit: video was from Tuesday)! Here she is with her fish on the branch below the nest perch back at LG, as reported on FB and Moffer © RSPB - Loch Garten and Carnyx Wild

Sheila remarked she may not be around much for viewing now that she has sussed out the situation for herself. But it is merciful to us viewers, I think. That is all I think is fit to report! At the moment she has just turned the eggs before tucking her head back in to resume sleeping. RSPB - Loch Garten and Carnyx Wild
The Daily Update is for recording nest events only, allowing for banter, though—any questions or conversations can happen on the Osprey Chat thread. Thank you!

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