DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Wednesday, 16 May 2018

RSPB Loch Garten Twitter reported seeing EJ at Rothiemurchus yesterday, compliments of Moffer's sharp reporting. That would account for the EJ's absence from the nest today, once for about an hour and a half, and the next for an hour. In BNN's capture, she is saying (compliments of Moffer's Osprish),
"I'm White EJ don't you know. Don't mess with me!"

And a detail I find interesting is that on returning to the nest after a prolonged absence, she has been reported be calling like Bynack did, on her way back to the nest, different than her silent returns (scylla's vid). For those new to the Loch Garten nest, Bynack was the youngest of two chicks on the 2011 nest, noted (affectionately) for his infamously persistent and loud calling screeching. (scylla's clip from 2011 of Bynack arriving on the nest, impatient for fish delivery)

Personally, I think her absence was long enough for her to catch and consume a fish from Rothiemurchus---what say all you avid DUers??? While we have been angst-ing over her, she finally made her decision. We will have to see what happens tomorrow (as if we haven't been glued up til now!) She looks exactly as she did last night, so I am dispensing with the record for tonight.
The Daily Update is for recording nest events only, allowing for banter, though—any questions or conversations can happen on the Osprey Chat thread. Thank you!

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  • Mike B said:

    How long is it likely that LG centre confirms abandonment of the eggs, does anyone know.

    I think it unlikely they will confirm at this stage. It is possible that EJ will continue to visit and possibly even incubate. No one wants to see that BUT it is down to her instincts and unless there is a continuous period of, say, days without incubation it would be a difficult call to make. Dependant upon the time the eggs are left they might declare them to be non viable but that still might not stop EJ sitting on them. 

    It is all in the lap of the Ospreys!

    [/quote]Thanks Mike for the info.   Just looked at the nest and there she is, incubating again.