Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 May 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 


Sleeping Barred Owl

U.S. National Park Service (G. Gardner)
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Evening all:   So OG is just about off on her practice trip; Cullen has been washing his car and being fed by Heather (have a nice lunch!), and Lindybird is still looking for  missing present.

    Moffer: Good to see you on here,, but not happy to hear about your escapade.  I used to wonder what would happen if we'd had a dog - our cat used to sneak up behind me when I was working in the kitchen and I was constantly backing into her, but she was small.  Do take care.

    Scylla: Never heard of the "pink" rule, but then no reason to given that we're officially "non-osprey" over here.  :-)

    Lindybird: How disconcerting for you. I've had a couple of premonitions over the years and it does make you wonder.

    Diane: You're a gem, but please don't worry about starting the thread every week.  It was thoughtful of you to include the link for folks to Moffer's post. Was also nice to have some DU regulars popping in.

    I finally got my trip photos onto the computer this evening so will post some next week, but promise to be judicious!

    Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Views through bus window about 10 mins south of Albury-Wodonga, sheep & cattle grazing. Very dry. Winter rain badly needed. The 2 cities sit on River Murray, the larger Albury is in New South Wales, Wodonga in Victoria. Combined population about 100,000.





  • Good Morning.  Dry and bright, here.

    Thanks to Diane for starting us off again.

  • Good morning!  Pouring with rain, here!

    Hope that OG has a smooth, if wet,journey over to Fife and that the next few days are comfortable.

  • Glorious afternoon now and hopefully we will have another perfect evening.

  • DIANE   Just love that sleeping barred owl. What a beauty.

  • We've been lucky too, and had lovely weather.  Sat outside at sis-in-laws for a pre dinner drink, then had beautiful roast lamb with all the trimmings, including parsnips - yum!  After eating our meal, all 8 of us retired back to sit in her tiny garden area where the sun shone brightly and we could hear the birdsong from surrounding trees (large ones in the rear of the property behind her).  Enjoyed a good chat with all the other guests, some of whom are relations, and some are good friends.  Between us, we decided that all our respective children were

    a)   Selfish

    b)   Stubborn

    c)   Awkward and

    d)   Independent.

    Then we discussed those of us with living parents still, and decided that they, too, were all the above!!

      ----  ----   ----   -----    Of course, during the talking, we none of us thought that any of us had any of these traits, LOL!!

  • Meant to say, AQ, that it certainly does look dry in your pics. Thanks for posting, its always fascinating to see your countryside.

  • I was told on the phone the other day that they had prepared a "surprise" for my OH - one of his favourite puddings was to be made by a cousin's wife.  This is known around these parts as "Spotted, ahem,  'Richard'.........        My sis-in-law had emailed through to her, the special recipe used by my late Mother in Law, a formidable cook. It is a steamed pudding with spices and dotted with fruit, eaten with hot custard.  Well, the pudding was duly presented.

    With the explanation that "I didn't have the treacle from the recipe, and I've not put all of the spices in, as it would have been too rich......"

    My OH dutifully ate it, complete with fresh custard made especially.   But of course, it wasn't at all the same!!

  • LINDY   sounds delicious. I am a big parsnip fan too.