DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Saturday, 12 May 2018

Our fretting resulted in a kind opinion from Jess Tomes yesterday, who reminded us about the opportunity to view nature through RSPB's "window". Amidst our collective restlessness, speculation ranged from whether George indeed recognized at least one of the eggs was not his, whether the eggs would bear healthy osprey, whether the eggs could be taken and hatched elsewhere (even moved to the LOCH ARKAIG nest where the resident pair suffered a loss of their eggs to a pine marten), to whether EJ's disinterest in mating affected George, to whether the nest might soon belong to another osprey than EJ, who many believe to be getting on in her years, to her apparent accelerated feather moult, and the nature of "crop dropping". Inevitably, we have come up with nothing better than Pandy's poem as we watch, and wait. It will be 7 days since EJ has had a meal. So maybe she will go fishing for herself this weekend.

Here was George on May 1st, as we were cheering him on with hearts full of hope. (Moffer's pic) And below that is the rainy scene now with EJ on the nest.  © RSPB - Loch Garten and Carnyx Wild
The Daily Update is for recording nest events only, allowing for banter, though—any questions or conversations can happen on the Osprey Chat thread. Thank you!

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