DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Tuesday, 08 May 2018

"Major events" from yesterday (which, you will quickly see, do not include a fish!).

Just after daycam GJ flew in, he stood looking around for a few moments and flew off.  That was the last we saw of him, even when the intrusion occurred:

All images courtesy of Moffer

EJ got drenched:

EJ dried out and went for a dip (what makes you think we have 3 different dads here? - only joking):

EJ suffered intrusions but no touchdowns apart from on the campost:

Probably EJ's day could have been worse, but not much.


The Daily Update is for recording nest events only, allowing for banter, though—any questions or conversations can happen on the Osprey Chat thread. Thank you!

  • The feather has gone now, and still EJ waits quite quietly.   I have been here for 2.1/2 hours so must drag myself away, but will be checking in later on in the day. 

  • Mike B said:

    I'm sure Moffer or MC can tell you Patily but from my recollection, apart from quick comfort breaks, not for many days.

    May 2 at 12.57 GJ moved EJ with a stick and took over incubation. She returned at 15.25  

    This is the same day that he brought half a fish to the nest twice, but EJ did not get up to take it. He also brough nesting materials and helped to defend the nest. What happened to that GJ?

  • MaryGK said:
    I have to say at this stage I hope that G. does not bring a fish, as this will be the start of day 3 of his sporadic, fishless visits to the nest,

    I agree Mary. I think a sporadic fish will only prolong the inevitable end. Death of eggs or chicks. But EJ will survive, and we should take some comfort in that at least. It is awful to watch her have another bad year.

  • Good morning, all.  She has just flown.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Morning everyone - thanks for all the updates over the last few days.

    I have been watching but have refrained from posting as sadly I have nothing good to say about this male and for a couple of days now have been willing EJ just to get up and go.  

    But of course this means abandoning the nest/eggs and I do understand others' views for hope for this nest, but I think we are past all hope now and the last thing I want to see is these eggs hatch!

    Such a shame and I really feel for everyone.  

  • Thanks Karen, you have summed up my thoughts.  

  • Another this is what i see a lot nothing much happening posts of mine, dear EJ on the nest, watching over her shoulder, sporting a fancy down-feather-beak-appliance ^^

    I have been back-searching especially around the day when she had her last good break and she also sortoff refused fish twice, to see if there was anything reported that could give a hint to her holding one claw differently, or to explain the change in GJ’s behaviour (if it actually started around that time). It is very hard to find something ”we did not know yet” in the reports; it was like looking through a peephole through a peephole. I have come to accept once again, how little we see of their actual lives. Despite it being so much more then ever before in history.

    I am refraining from guessing and supposing as much as i can, and keep coming back to observing-only. Observing and learning what is possible, and just observing if learning is not possible. I also tend to stick with “EJ knows best” - i am a lowly human, what do i know about osprey’s lifes? Or about how they develop over the years. However much experience with observing them ( from our “point of view” or perspective), we still know so much less then they do.

    This, accidentally, also helps me to cope much better with, and stay with What Is.

    [edited for typos]

    2016: first time in history an Osprey nested in the NL. 2018: 2 active nests! 2019 a storm interferes. 2020: a third active nest in a tree!