Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 May 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful spring week! 

I chose this photo for the week for a reason. The last time I went to town for groceries and supplies, I stopped to take some items to my relative who broke her hip. I arrived home very late. I was unloading the car in the darkness, barely able to see with a torch (flashlight), and suddenly I heard a booming loud call, "Who cooks for you! Who cooks for you all!" That's the call of a Barred Owl! The sound was coming from a tall tree on my creek levee.

I was just about finished getting everything inside, when the bird called again. This time, he made his "monkey call." Barred Owls can make a wild series of calls that sound just like a big, loud primate. Seriously. Many years ago, we had a Barred Owl pair nesting on this patch, and my Mom swore we had a Bigfoot living in the woods! 

I was so happy to hear the big owl, and I hope he stays!

Barred Owl (Strix varia)
U.S. National Park Service
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Cold with strong blustery winds and sudden heavy showers. When I say it is cold, our max is 15 C and that is cold after the summer we had. I hope we are rid of summer at last! I am vegetating; nursing a snuffly nose, avoiding OH who always gets “thingie” about catching my colds. Yet he went out to lunch today, in the rain to the bus stop. I did offer to drive him but was rejected.

  • Good Morning, All.  Sunny here after a damp night. Glad you've had some welcome rain, AQ, but sorry about your cold. Hope you soon feel better.

  • Lovely morning here; OH having to clean bathrooms today, but then should get outside again – very pleased with what he got done yesterday before the rain came.  J’s spag bol was very good last evening; his repertoire is only limited by what he likes, as he is such a fussy eater.

    Linda – the Strawberries (from M&S – English) were really good!  My knee worsened again in the evening and we are trying not to have doubts about going away next week!  Pleased your Sis-in-Law has arranged to be away when AC was planning to come – and I think you said you too will also be away at that time – well done!

    Dibnlib – I hope today will not be too cold for Benson with his short hair!

    AQ – sorry the cold has caught up with you; at least you are not fighting stuffy weather at the same time now that autumn has come at last!  Does your OH not drive, himself?  Take care.

    Got to sort out a few things for packing list now!  BBL.


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I decided to get out in the garden while the sun is shining. My knees are protesting a bit so I'm taking a break.

    OG - I realised when ANNETTE mentioned the lovely pic of Miriam that I hadn't mentioned it! Hard to believe she is now that big - as we all saw on here - time flies!

    ANNETTE - No wonder you had that super sleep! Travelling and being away from home etc etc. Like LINDY - I think your trains look fantastic! And wine and nibbles at the station.... You asked about neighbour's music - it is modern and noisy!!

    Much activity in a garden behind us (but not directly behind). A huge fir tree is being attacked. It is so large that I would imagine that  tree surgeons are doing the job.

    LINDY - Awful cousin :-( Your sis in law has the right idea. Where does that leave you, I wonder?

    Heavy rain shower just now - can't say it was unexpected but I'll go out again.

  • Will the fir tree being taken down, give you more light, Heather? Don't overdo things in your garden, do just a bit at a time.

    I haven't told my OH, but I could well disappear for a few days when AC arrives: she's not my relative, after all. He's promised me that she will never stay here. But if I'm not here he may have more to do - also, I will be packing over those few days for the famous cruise.

    Popped into town for some bits, and did more laundry. The sunshine is nice but is not accompanied by warmth, today. My OH went two doors down to help our neighbour start his car as the battery was flat.  Yesterday, he cut the lawn and the hedge, so we look very neat now. The Magpies are constantly going in and out of their nest in our apple tree, I wish I had a drone so I could see how many chicks they have!

  • OG - Sorry your knee is still playing up, hope it doesn't stop your going away.  I thought of you today when I bought some Scottish strawberries!

  • Love the pictures, Lindybird.  Visited Caenarvon 2 years back whilst staying on the Lleyn peninsula.

  • Oh, you've been away AQ, hope the trip went well. Look forward to seeing a few of those photos?

    Lovely home pics, Lindy, love the frittilas etc.

    Recovering from another fall I had last Wednesday. Tried to stop myself after tripping on the mat in the kitchen and went flying head first into the aluminium stepladders against a wall.  Beautiful big bruise on forehead, came up like a grapefruit but is now slowly going down. Bruise has come out all around my eyes so I have "panda eyes" for a few days. Still a bit tender but getting there.

    Thanks for all your news

  • LYNETTE   Sorry you have been in the wars again.

    OG   Glad you had a tasty spaghetti bol.  I was interested to hear that your English strawbs were good. I am always doubtful about buying them at this time of year but if we are in town at the weekend I may get some from Markies.  We were planning to go to the car rally in town on Sat but the forecast is not good, so we will see. As for Benson, he still looks like a Yeti.  Unfortunately his groomer phoned us this morning to say her husband had been taken to A&E during the night so she had to cancel.  We are hoping all goes well for her OH. We have never met him, but she is such a lovely lady and I would hate things to turn bad for her. Think she can only been her 40s.

  • LYNETTE- did you tell us about this fall the other day? I only ask because I would hate to think you had had a second fall. Take care - and remove the mat?

    DIBNLIB- Funny weather here today, isn't it? I haven't bought strawberries yet this year but now I fancy some!

    LINDY - the tree wasn't keeping light from this house but it was so tall that I imagined it coming down on a very very windy day. I think it's 'owners' may have had the same thoughts.