I hope everyone has a wonderful spring week! I chose this photo for the week for a reason. The last time I went to town for groceries and supplies, I stopped to take some items to my relative who broke her hip. I arrived home very late. I was unloading the car in the darkness, barely able to see with a torch (flashlight), and suddenly I heard a booming loud call, "Who cooks for you! Who cooks for you all!" That's the call of a Barred Owl! The sound was coming from a tall tree on my creek levee.I was just about finished getting everything inside, when the bird called again. This time, he made his "monkey call." Barred Owls can make a wild series of calls that sound just like a big, loud primate. Seriously. Many years ago, we had a Barred Owl pair nesting on this patch, and my Mom swore we had a Bigfoot living in the woods! I was so happy to hear the big owl, and I hope he stays!Barred Owl (Strix varia)U.S. National Park ServicePhoto labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)
But I will include a link to this one so everyone will see Moffer's message.
Finally friend has left and I can catch up with DU, but was so sorry to hear of Moffer's fall, and hope that she has a comfortable night's sleep and look forward to seeing her back on the DU in the morning. I guess one should also enquire of the state of the dog too!! Hugs from me too.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/