As a very wise old woman (who is too modest to be named) said yesterday "Deep breath! Let's see what today brings" ;-)
Probably the most beautiful female osprey in the world (compliments of Clare):
And the source of our discomfort, looking a little shamefaced, as well he might (compliments of Moffer):
Off we go !!!
The Daily Update is for recording nest events only, allowing for banter, though—any questions or conversations can happen on the Osprey Chat thread. Thank you!
And I know the frames are the wrong colour, they look different when posted and I can't fix them.
Wrong colour or not scylla ..... still a great 'Intro' to the new day, Thankyou :-)
How generous you are, Trying :)
EJ has had quite a restful night so far, but just got up for the usual routine, quite prolonged.
One o' these just passed over:
scylla said:just got up for the usual routine, quite prolonged.
But she didn't have a flyabout:
My time is up for tonight, regrettably.
Good morning to the BC, hope to join in later with a catchup, if necessary :)
Yes that seemed quite a prolonged exercise break, without actually going for a fly-around scylla
I have been watching for some time how much EJ seems to be paying attention to a maybe troublesome right foot, often tucking it under her when standing as if to take her weight of it, or flexing it to exercise the claws/talons, or nibbling at it with her beak, far more than any attention she pays to the left foot. Anyone else noticed, or got a comment to make about my observation.
Rest well scylla
Good morning all.4.38 EJ was calling gently
It's a very still morning at LG, and EJ is now quiet.
It's a really beautiful morning. The sun is coming up and just starting to catch EJ's feathers
Just a slight breeze picking up. Not too cold as lots of flying insects about.
Cuckoo has been calling distantly.