DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Thursday, 03 May 2018

 We awoke yesterday to a very soggy EJ on the nest (MaryGKs pic), but thank goodness she still had her breakfish behind her, because she never got any fish. Not that GJ didn't have one when he visited, twice, but she seemed not interested. Was it too small? Meager leftovers? Did she later realize she better get one before having to wait another 24 hours for the next one? Probably not. But you never know with ospreys.

GJ, for his part, was the masterful defender of the nest, arriving to stand along EJ repelling a hopeful skydancer (scylla's vid). He also spent some time on the eggs, looking proud after he dragged a stick over EJ to get her to leave. We hope he will find inspiration for fishing out another big one today, given yesterday was a difficult fishing day due to rain and wind. Here's the current scene. © RSPB - Loch Garten and Carnyx Wild
The Daily Update is for recording nest events only, allowing for banter, though—any questions or conversations can happen on the Osprey Chat thread. Thank you!

Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • william i said:

    Fly by in the distance - could be Osprey - EJ quiet now!!

    It came out of this tree

    and went out of view here

    EJ takes her frustration out on a branch

    that's better

  • Could it have been GJ on the way to fish? EJ has been largely silent since then?

  • A few complaining calls from EJ

  • I think it is rather a sad season for EJ this year again.  IMO I think male has another nest and she reminds me of b24 or 5f. Male's visits are sporadic at best and he loiters away from the nest and nowhere in view. On ocassion  (albeit a very small number) he has been absent when intruders are around and returns empty taloned. I mentioned on another site that I think at present apart from his good fisherman abilities he contributes very little to this nest. Other males take turns at incubating whether they bring fish or not. Sit in sight of the nest and almost always build up a good nest of sticks. This males behaviour is odd but reminds me of Aran and Monty when servicing two nests.  If he is you can only hope that Ejs eggs hatch first. EJ's sole objectives are to procreate and she sits there like Mrs G did last year. Hope I am wrong.

  • I have to confess to the same sad thoughts Lmac, and have said similar previously, but have always tried to be positive and given him the benefit of the doubt.  What makes it so painful for those of us who love this female it that she is getting on in years, and each year that passes it becomes more likely that she won't return.  She is a wonderful mum, and deserves more than, at the moment, GJ is providing.  Odin was always so attentive....

    16.20  I thought for a moment she might have been getting ready to lay another egg... but no.  Whew!!!   She had been fidgety, her rear end and tail feathers rising, but she got up and checked her eggs, resumed incubation and I'm wrong!  It's raining slightly.

    No sign of GJ while I have been here.

    EJ has a spot of shut eye

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Thanks all for updates and pics.  Catching up on dau's laptop as I am without computer (being repaired) at present.