DAILY UPDATE ~Loch Garten Nest~ Tuesday 1 May 2018

The two highlights of yesterday were that a nice large fish was delivered in early afternoon (scylla's video) and then, GJ dutifully stuck on the eggs for about 3 hours while EJ took her time munching on the good sized fish. In fact, when she finally returned, she gave up the fishtail to him. The icing on the cake consisted of the sweet calls GJ tweeted to EJ (CC's video), letting her know he was ready to take a break. It took an hour from the first time he tweeted for her to return to her brooding duties, but he never left the eggs alone. Sheila indicated in the pic (info from Alison), that she appeared to be eating the fish in the tree we possibly referred to as the Fish Perch.

GJ also chased off an intruder, we don't know who, maybe BlueNW3? Perhaps he thought he better up his game since the day before EJ had been soliciting fish from NW3, who was perched nonchalantly in the cam tree for an hour that previous day (pic of NW3 from the VC).

Of course, before all the good stuff happened, the morning began with no-fish GJ taking over incubation accompanied by an earbashing from EJ until he finally left, hopefully with a good idea in his head, to be delivered 3 hours later. (pic by Mike)

Here she is at present on the quiet nest, the full moon way over to the right edge. © RSPB - Loch Garten and Carnyx Wild
The Daily Update is for recording nest events only, allowing for banter, though—any questions or conversations can happen on the Osprey Chat thread. Thank you!

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