Link to last post on Manton Bay – April 2018 and link to Useful Links

Summary of the season so far:

Maya arrived back 12 March and Blue 33(11),on 14 March. The pair are currently incubating three eggs - #1 laid  28 March, #2 laid 31 March and #3 on 3 April.

Maya and 33 have incubated these eggs for 34 days now and in a few days we should see the first hatching of the season and another record broken!

  • 33 arrives back with the fish which Maya quickly takes and has something to eat

    33 takes off with the fish. 

    Looks like the bobble has a little bit of fish in its beak

    Maya quickly finishes and  covers #1 and the eggs again.

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

  • Maya has her back to us but we can see by the motions that she is feeding and no doubt bobble is getting some too

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

    But we need never worry about this little un getting fed for it has a great dad who will always be standing by with fish and a mum to feed it to him.   

  • Wonderful news!  Thanks to Everyone for all the pics and posts.  This little chick and its siblings-to-come are/will be Half-Siblings with Telyn/Blue 3J (same Mum, different Dad) although 5 years younger and they will be Aunties and/or Uncles (of some sort--Half-Aunties, etc.?!) to the chicks of Telyn's and Monty's at the Dyfi Estuary.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thanks Ann - I've come to enjoy all your genealogy posts.  

    It did click with me earlier when this little one hatched that as well as being a mother this year, Maya will also be a grand-mother :-)

  • Interesting - we have a difference in incubation dates here!

    Rutland mark today as Day 37 of incubation according to their blog >>> A cracking day at Manton Bay and on ChloeB & Tiger's website, their countup clock shows today as Day 38.

    Can anyone explain the difference? 

    Thanks in advance

  • Thanks, Karen, Regarding Maya becoming a grandmother, I wonder if any others of her chicks have had chicks of their own fledge safely.  Maya and 5R had lots of chicks before 2014 when he did not return and 33 took over.  I do remember that 2 of that last brood in 2013 each returned several times from 2015 on; 3J/Telyn is now nesting at the Dyfi, but sadly, her brother from 2013, 1J, who fished at the Gwash place all last year, seems not to have returned this year according to the Gwash Fish people.  Hope they are wrong!  I don't know if he ever had chicks.  Also, 2 of Maya's and 33's first brood together in 2015 returned last year as well (S1 to UK and S2 seen in the Netherlands in 2017) but again I do not know if either had a nest.  I seem to recall that S1 was seen at Arne this year; not sure if S2 is back or not.

    As for counting days, one difference would happen if you counted day 1 as from the time the egg was laid to 24 hours later although if you counted as day 1 the date on which the egg was laid and the next day as day 2, then the two counts would differ by 1 day at the time of hatching.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • I'm signing off now - what a wonderful day this has been at Manton Bay.

    Maya snuggles her chick and eggs and should she get peckish, there is a little fish left for her and the Bobble

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust


  • Congratulations to Maya and Blue33!

    What happened was, I just set up the top cam to record, just to test my laptop because Loch Arkaig was behaving weirdly.  Was just aligning the recorder... "OMG there's a mouse in the nestcup!", I exclaimed to myself ;-D

    Here are 2 appearances by #1, the second is more lively.  Shame I was too late for daycam.


  • 2 more glimpses - Maya was a bit careless with her talon, then Osplet was annoyed at being disturbed while quite happily asleep.

    (I cropped this for a closer view but it may be too low-res to come out well, I might not do it again.)

    Maya is up again digging around the baby, at this rate I'll be spamming the thread with vids!