Link to last post on Manton Bay – April 2018 and link to Useful Links

Summary of the season so far:

Maya arrived back 12 March and Blue 33(11),on 14 March. The pair are currently incubating three eggs - #1 laid  28 March, #2 laid 31 March and #3 on 3 April.

Maya and 33 have incubated these eggs for 34 days now and in a few days we should see the first hatching of the season and another record broken!

  • Maya has flown and 33 is straight down to guard the jewels 

    Soon Maya returns and joins 33

    The chicks continue to sleep, 33 is now fiddling with sticks and Maya stands watch while finishing her preen.

    33 then flies off and Maya after giving #3 egg a good turn, settles down on the chicks


    (c) Rutland Osprey Project

  • MaryGK said:

    Mary - I can't play the video, no idea why, I will try again later.

    Sorry Starling I haven't a clue why it won't play for you.   Can you maybe click on the view on You Tube direct and see if it plays there.  


    It's working now Mary.  No idea why I couldn't view earlier, I tried from YT as well.  Fantastic Video, thank you :)

  • Glad you got it Starling, its lovely to see those wee bobbleheads again, knowing that two of them have safely returned. :-)  

  • Tiger or Anyone, Do you know if S1 and S2 have had any chicks?  If so, then 33 and Maya could truly retire!  Actually, have any others of 5R's, 33's, and Maya's chicks returned?  And had chicks of their own?

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Ann, I don’t think either S1 or S2 has yet bred. 3J (Telyn) at Dyfi is the daughter of Maya and 5R, I believe. Other than that, I don’t know, but I’m sure those who do will be able to give you a much better answer.

  • Unknown said:

    Tiger or Anyone, Do you know if S1 and S2 have had any chicks?  If so, then 33 and Maya could truly retire!  Actually, have any others of 5R's, 33's, and Maya's chicks returned?  And had chicks of their own?

    S1 and S2 have not yet bred. 

    Here is the history of chicks in Manton Bay

  • Thanks, Tiger, I hoped that someone in the know would reply about S1 and S2.

    Thanks, Alison.  A you can see, Tiger has posted a link to the Manton Bay history.   I did know that 3J/Telyn is a daughter of 5R and Maya and I am thrilled that the match between Monty and Telyn will give the Dyfi chicks genes not only of Monty but also of Maya and of 5R and from him, genes from Mr and Mrs Rutland.  Of course, Glesni's and Monty's chicks also inherited genes from Mr and Mrs Rutland because Glesni's Mum (Green 5N) and Green 5R were the 2 chicks in the Mr and Mrs Rutland nest in 2004.  Mr GB and I saw the Manton Bay Ospreys in person for the first time in August 2013 and they have been very special to me ever since, particularly the chicks from 2013 and of course, Maya and the much missed 5R.  Fortunately, although 33 was hated at the beginning in 2014 for kicking out the eggs and chasing off his brother, Blue 28, also known as Wonky Wing, 33 wormed his way quickly into many hearts!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Blue33 with a slightly wiggly fish.

    There's no good view of it, it was blurred during descent and the stick was in the way on the nest, then Maya obscured it during collection - she and the osplets were all ready for it!

  • Thanks for the link TIGER A lovely re-read and memories

    ANN Just read your post above and, like you, I am very fond of this nest, and of Telyn whom, like you I saw in 2013, beating you by one month