Link to last post on Dyfi Osprey Project – April 2018
Summary of the season so far:
Monty arrived back 4 April. Sadly Blue 12/Glesni has not returned however a new female, Blue 3J(13) who arrived at the Dyfi around 4 April has paired up with Monty and they are now incubating three eggs - #1 laid 22 April, #2 laid 25 April and #3 on 28 April and are due to hatch later this month.
But until then, hopefully we can keep tracks on Gwynant and what he gets up to and also learn what 3J is to be called. And last but no means least, we await Ems’ tribute to Glesni and no doubt many of us will wish to post a few words here too.
Let's hope they sort it out.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Ems is saying words to that effect!!
Birdies LG DU update.
I can imagine!
My live stream has been down for a while.
I'll see you all later.
Monty incubating.
Kind regards, Ann
Just managed to see Monty on the nest incubating.
Grabbed this as it dropped out ! 3J returns and wants the eggs!
Fought my way back in to see she had won. Now incubating.
Monty is down on the lower perch, and the cuckoo is calling.
Then Monty flew off to get a fish which he delivered to Telyn and she's now eating it on the main perch.
They zoomed in on the eggs while the changeover took place - I think there's some seaweed there.
I think she must have dropped the fish as she's back on the nest nagging.
© DOP - Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust
They've now swapped over again.