Link to last post on Dyfi Osprey Project – April 2018
Summary of the season so far:
Monty arrived back 4 April. Sadly Blue 12/Glesni has not returned however a new female, Blue 3J(13) who arrived at the Dyfi around 4 April has paired up with Monty and they are now incubating three eggs - #1 laid 22 April, #2 laid 25 April and #3 on 28 April and are due to hatch later this month.
But until then, hopefully we can keep tracks on Gwynant and what he gets up to and also learn what 3J is to be called. And last but no means least, we await Ems’ tribute to Glesni and no doubt many of us will wish to post a few words here too.
Facebook post re egg query. Wait for the Zoom!
Birdies LG DU update.
Thanks for all updates and pics folks, much appreciated. Without computer at present so am catching up on dau's laptop.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
(c) DOP.
"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."
Magnus Ullman
My Flickr account is here
(c) DOP
I got in on the cam, with freezes but the sound was continuous, and we are both sitting here with wide eyes, because of the eerie owl-calls...@ 22:06 (even the cat here next to the screen sat upright with wide eyse!)
2016: first time in history an Osprey nested in the NL. 2018: 2 active nests! 2019 a storm interferes. 2020: a third active nest in a tree!
I do not have the sound on but am guessing--Barn Owls? They do astonishing screeches.
Kind regards, Ann
3J with what looks like dew/rain on her.
Looks like Monty has grabbed a turn on the eggs. Did not see change over.
Monty still in charge
Monty looks deep in thought. He will be thinking, will I need to give 3J lessons LOL.... he was a bit of a fuss pot with both Nora and Glesni when the eggs first hatched.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023