Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 April 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! The April Full Moon is Sunday night. 

Moon photo credit: NASA
Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • HEATHER   That is a lovely story.  I have never been to Kew.

    LINDY   I had read a few iffy reviews of the Guernsey film. I wasn't sure whether to see it or not till I read your comments. OH and I saw it this afternoon and we thoroughly enjoyed. I do not usually cry at films (unless it is a sad animal story) but I did have to find a tissue this afternoon.

  • One time I was supposed to be going to Kew. I didn't!  We in the sixth form were given permission to plan our own summer outing.  We said we were going to Kew Gardens, but most of us spent the day in other parts of London!  I suppose we were technically truanting, but nobody came to any harm, and we got ourselves back at the expected time!  The time I did visit was many years later with OH.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG- I can't imagine you breaking rules !! I bet you had fun...

  • I have to join the group who have never been to Kew - even though I lived less than five miles away for seventeen years!

  • Smacked wrist then, Pat! -- a victim of the syndrome where we don't always visit those interesting features nearest to us.

    Dibnlib - Glad you enjoyed the film. I could elaborate further, but don't want to give away the story to those who have yet to see it.

    Heather - Loved your story - and OGs!

    Hope that AQ is enjoying her adventure.

  • Ho hum, now facing 4 weeks with no help caring. Older SD started 4 weeks of radiotherapy, 7 days a week today, all afternoon appointments so no help from younger SD for the month, also she won't get to her house for a month either. At least we have a good M&S food shop in Monmouth, albeit a relatively small one. Afraid ready meals will be featuring in our diet fairly frequently. I might be browsing occasionally but very unlikely to post. Oh, also working on laptop as pc refuses to boot up – all things sent to try us!

  • Good evening Everyone. Not been on here for a while.

    Thank you for all the news.

    Family problems continue, but beginning to be resolved.

    Heather, my daughter had a very cruel experience from some fraudsters. She was naive, but they were very convincing. A neighbour had a similar experience soon afterwards. It was pure coincidence, but the police were in the building investigating a robbery at the time, and said that police would never make a call like that (that was who the caller said they were)

    Sorry ForestBoar that you have to manage by yourself for 4 weeks. Hoorah for M&S!  Hope things work out for you.

    Annette, Glad you have enjoyed time with your sister. I live very near Kew Gardens, and visit frequently. Lucky me!

    We will be ships that pass in the night. Safe journey home.

    Best wishes to everyone else.

  • ForestBoar - I'm so sorry to hear that life is being difficult for you and your family at present: you will all be in my thoughts.

    Rosy - Nice to hear from you but similarly, sorry that you are still having family problems. Take care of yourself.

  • This thread had disappeared off page one, so bringing it back up!  Going out early to catch best weather!  BBL

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning, All.  Dry here.  Was awoken by a mechanical street sweeper, at 6.40am!! Very noisy in the lane beside us.

    It's frosty again and we have heating AND the gas fire on......

    Going home today, after taking a walk this morning.