No time to prepare a detailed synopsis of yesterday's discouraging events, which included matings and intrusions (with support from male) but no fish, despite EJ leaving the nest and her egg for a couple of quite long periods.
This sums up most of our feelings (me having said that I was not worried):
A couple of videos added to yesterday's DU, covering EJ's long break during which the male defended, and EJ tending the nestcup followed by a quick fly-around.
EJ is back - was just taking a comfort break
Back again
Looking up but not mantling. Is someone sky dancing?
Does male have a fish?
Minor housekeeping and a pellet?
@8:08 EJ flown
Karen W said: @8:08 EJ flown
I must go for a bit. Hopefully EJ returns with one of her whoppers. SYL
There was one in here who was not in synch re streaming with the rest in the past days? I now found that when you pause the stream in youtube, it continues where you left it and hence you are then behind. Found that out by having both the youtube and the flash stream on at the same time by coincidence. Hope this helps.
Morning everyone. Watching with you all what will happen next. (((x)))
2016: first time in history an Osprey nested in the NL. 2018: 2 active nests! 2019 a storm interferes. 2020: a third active nest in a tree!
Unknown said:I now found that when you pause the stream in youtube, it continues where you left it and hence you are then behind.
I was going to say "It's like when you are watching live TV on a Freeview PVR and you pause it, if you hit Play you carry on from where you left off, you have to hit Stop to go back to live TV"... and then I thought "Otter is Dutch, Freeview PVRs will be double-dutch to her/him" ;-D
I think EJ must have gone fishing. So what does that mean in terms of finding a male who will provide for her if she lays another egg and begins to incubate! I am confused!
Good morning, all! It's still ENS.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.