Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 April 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Next Friday is Friday the 13th! LOL

I don't have a picture for this week, but some might be interested in this very short video. Just the other day, a 5.3 earthquake occurred in Southern California near Annette. The quake startled the daylights out of a bald eagle who was on a high nest with three chicks. No birds were harmed! 

Hope you're okay, Annette!

  • Hey Diane: I just popped in to start the new thread. Thank YOU.  Was (working) in the back garden all afternoon. About to pour a glass of wine and jump in the shower and then organize eats.  I'll look at that bald eagle link later.  (I didn't feel the earthquake; was driving. OH did.)

  • Hi all: Have finally sorted out my old computer and it's now officially retired and sitting in a spare corner, just in case...

    Lindybird: Oh crikey.  Wish I had the answer to the Awful Cousin situation. There must be somewhere you, OH, and SiL can run away to while she's there.

    Clare: Be very careful about offering support to Lindybird's A;C - you could end up being on her "come to visit" list.

    Heather: That was a long drive! Enjoy  yourself.

    Diane: I know how that eagle felt!  California has installed some earthquake early warning devices, which apparently did give advance warning of that temblor by a matter of seconds (I think)...

    OG: Well now, so sorry you're still achy whilst all around you are doing better.

    Clare: Thanks for reminding us of the early years.

    PatO: Had a Googles-eye view of your park.  Very country-fide (fied?)  around there.  

    Hi to ChrisyB and bjane

    Off to bed; have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Unknown said:
    Be very careful about offering support to Lindybird's A;C - you could end up being on her "come to visit" list.

    We won't welcome anyone staying in our home who isn't welcome - it just leads to all kinds of hideousness, which isn't good (especially for Limpy).  Anyway we haven't really got room!

    Unknown said:
    Thanks for reminding us of the early years.

    I was absolutely staggered that a video of that season was in existence and it had to be shared.  Just when I thought my respect for EJ couldn't increase further ......... !

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Unknown said:
    I don't have a picture for this week, but some might be interested in this very short video. Just the other day, a 5.3 earthquake occurred in Southern California near Annette. The quake startled the daylights out of a bald eagle who was on a high nest with three chicks. No birds were harmed! 

    Brilliant!  Enjoyed this - the look on the bird's face was a picture.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning, and thanks to Diane for starting us off again.  Misty here, and mixed weather forecasted, but at least it's lots milder for temps now :-)

    Clare, I might have to come and sleep on your sofa whilst I do my tour of Britain in September, just to get away, LOL!! On the other hand, maybe a World Tour would do the trick!!!!

    Off to look at Diane's video...

  • Liked the video, Diane :-)

    Hope that OG is feeling somewhat better today. We are off out on a walk, seeing as it's not raining!

  • Thanks for the new week, DIANE, and the Eagle video!

    Misty start to the day - and warm.  Other two going to church - I am still staying at home, but trying to keep moving to shift the gunk off my chest.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Thanks, DIANE.

    Also thanks to all for your news.

    OG - get well soon .

    Weather lovely here in Thuro. Friends are getting their boat ready for going in the water.

    Regards to ALL

  • There is a new BLOG, from Raquel.

    Glad you're having good weather, Heather. It's better here than was forecast, and all three of us enjoyed our walk, but Bonnie got so muddy, plus she went into some green ponds, that she was almost unrecognizable when we got back! -- she had to be hosed down in the back garden, which she hates. Got my smalls out on the line,  now :-)

  • Turned into a very pleasant afternoon and evening here and looks like a reasonable April week ahead - pleased HEATHER has fine weather over there.   Feeling much more myself today but decided I won't go out Monday, so I shall be fit for appointments Tuesday (blood tests) and Wednesday (breast clinic which was postponed by snow).

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!