• GARDENBIRDER - There was a new nest in Rutland 2015 and understand Blue 28 paired with Blue 2F (Female) from 2012 brood of 03/97.

    She would only have been a 3 YO and don't know if they had chicks or not.

    In 2016 Blue28/Blue2F did have a chick 2AA who has been wintering on the River Tagus in Lisbon Portugal.

    I think by the end of the season in 2014 Blue 33 and Maya were becoming sociable. He worked on her for three/four months.

    JUNE - Yes I do like the name TELYN welsh for Harp. Off to see Telyn in July.

  • Thanks, Keith.  Was 2AA photographed in Portugal and/or is he/she tagged?  It is a shame that we cannot know more about the birds near Rutland Water other than those at Manton Bay.  I suppose the thinking may be that we ought to be content with knowing just about everything about the Manton Bay birds and no more.

    June, You may or may not have heard that 33 visited the Manton Bay nest in the summer in which he fledged.  There was a photograph of 4 chicks on that nest, 33 being the 4th chick even though he fledged from another nest!  Some have speculated that he decided at the time that he would one day have that nest as his own, a lovely thought but I doubt that anyone knows if Ospreys think like that--lol!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • 2AA is a Male osprey. He is not tagged and as far as am aware only the female 30 (05) is tagged from Rutland.

    Since fledging in 2016 he has been photographed in Lisbon October and November 2016 and also twice in September 2017 and again this year in February. He may make his first migration north this year.

    If you are interested in Blue 28 or other Rutland Ospreys there is almost a daily update from his fishing grounds with excellent daily photography of him at Horn Mill and River Gwash.

  • Thanks, Keith,  I was watching the fish farm when Ospreys were arriving but have become distracted.  Easy to get marooned here!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • The recorded osprey world is just full of fascinating stories: Romance and  Love stories (not exactly the same, think about it), dramas, adventures, tragedies and even comedies. Which I suppose is why we find them so fascinating to watch.

    I'm glad I finally found Maya & her partner cuddling together, so as to inspire KEITH  and ANN to tell us their fabulous story.  

  • Unfortunately. the story of EJ and the Loch Garten nest recently has been only too depressing.    the news from Du today is not good.  Apparently George is not supplying EJ with food in proper amounts.  Lack of interest or poor fishing conditions? Either way, Does not speak well for him as a mate. And it seems to me that EJ has been less that enthusiastic or encouraging  throughout this entire process.  Missing Odin?  Old and worn out and just doesn't care?  Or some unknown built-in instinct at work.?

  • I guess the whys and wherefores don't really matter. I just hope this situation brightens up soon.

  • Keith, I've just spent some time on the River Gwash Osprey Facebook site and came across a comment about it is 'a real shame not to have seen 1J return from Spain'.  Do you know if he has not returned this year?  I thought he was not tagged but perhaps someone photographed him in Spain at some point--sorry, but I cannot remember.  It would be a shame if he has not returned, especially now that his sister (Telyn/3J) is established at the Dyfi nest.  It would be great if he had come back and also had a nest.  Good news, however, that Glesni's Brother and her Mum are back so the family line continues.

    June, Yes, an Osprey's life is full of drama.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • June, I know what you mean.  I get soppier as I get older and the LG nest situation is depressing.  But I only skim the DUs and choose to watch a variety of nests and try to remember the long view.  Ospreys are increasing in the UK; I couldn't say about elsewhere but I hope the same is true in North America.  I also support a few Osprey sites financially to a tiny degree and feel I am doing a small part in their survival.  EJ is an elderly bird and I was very surprised (although delighted!) to see her but I have doubts about the viability of any of the eggs.  If they are not viable, then I will not feel awful if she needs to fish for herself.  I suspect the mate is a newbie and will learn, but maybe not this year, sadly.  However, Manton Bay at the moment is doing swimmingly so I turn there for a smile!  Glaslyn and LOTL seem to be doing well, too, if you can ignore the certain coming failure of 5F's nest, too near the main Glaslyn nest and no male of her own, poor girl.  There are others.  For instance, Dyfi is doing alright as well, but watching there is difficult now because of problems with the live streaming not to mention that much as I love Telyn/3J (who Mr GB and I watched on her natal nest in person in August of 2013!) I will miss Glesni for years (just as I miss Odin, as I miss Lady, as I miss Telyn's Dad, Blue 5R, Mr Rutland, the original Mr Glaslyn....)  Becoming addicted to soap operas can be painful as well as absorbing!

    Kind regards, Ann