Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife - Glaslyn Ospreys - APRIL 2018

As we have had a monthly thread for Glaslyn since 2016, I have started the thread for April. 


I hope we get an Easter present today with the arrival of Mrs.G or Aran, it is always such a relief when they return.   

At the moment it is an Empty Nest.

  • Clare Bailey said:

    Apparently Leighton Moss have had an osprey sighted who was one of Glaslyn's 2014 chicks - and the same bird was also seen there last year.  They didn't mention a ring number.

    EDIT:  They would have been 11/98's very last offspring!  The ring numbers were 7C (female), 8C (female), and 9C (male).

    I have a note that it was 9C who was seen at Leighton Moss last summer. Though 8C also turned up last autumn, in Senegal. 

  • How lovely that at least 2 survived Let's hope they can pass on 11(98)'s genes

  • Mrs G onthe nest and Aran on the perch Mrs G too warm She is panting and not really incubating the egg but standing over itto shelter it

  • Unknown said:

    Apparently Leighton Moss have had an osprey sighted who was one of Glaslyn's 2014 chicks - and the same bird was also seen there last year.  They didn't mention a ring number.

    EDIT:  They would have been 11/98's very last offspring!  The ring numbers were 7C (female), 8C (female), and 9C (male).

    I have a note that it was 9C who was seen at Leighton Moss last summer. Though 8C also turned up last autumn, in Senegal. 

    [/quote]Thanks for that!  It'll be interesting to see if 9C does settle in Lancashire.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Mrs G just turned to egg and is now fiddling with material in the cup before settling down

  • Aran appears with half a forest! Now they are both looking at it thinking 'what the hell are we to do with this"?


  • i just missed him bringing in the forest, checked in just after apparantly. ;)

    Here’s a bit of what followed when i checked in, Aran seemed to fly in, or maybe he just used his wings to get to the rim, @8:27:

    looks a teeny bit a unruly nest, branch and twig-wise?...mrs G using her wings to get to the rim too...

    both sat there for a minute or two, sorry i didnt snap the sitting there and assessing the “situation”. Aran moved to the egg

    more assessing of the twigs...

    and action:

    egg needed turning in between twigging:

    mrs G saw something verrry interesting and leaves the woodwork in good hands ^^

    the ultimate egg-sitting:

    That was Aran @ 8:31.

    After i did my cam-rounds, and asked Foulshaw when their cam will be back up, i returned here @ 8:48 to find mrsG back on eggs. Maybe she just left the sticky situation to Aran? I have no clue what made them switch duties again.

    There were some cloinking sounds on cam, and she seemd aware of some noises in or under the nest too. There doen’st seem to be wind, so maybe a climbing type o animal down where we can’t see it?

    2016: first time in history an Osprey nested in the NL. 2018: 2 active nests! 2019 a storm interferes. 2020: a third active nest in a tree! 

  • For those interested Mrs G had her 2nd egg at 10.02 today


  • Valerie D said:

    For those interested Mrs G had her 2nd egg at 10.02 today

    Valerie, that is fabulous news! :D

    she is sitting tight atm... i wanna glimpse!

    2016: first time in history an Osprey nested in the NL. 2018: 2 active nests! 2019 a storm interferes. 2020: a third active nest in a tree!