Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 March 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

Hope EE had a great birthday!

Grizzly Bear
U.S. National Park Service, NPS Photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Didn't have coffee out - couldn't be bothered!  We just went a few junctions up the Mway to Annan Water services where it's easy to turn round and then back home - by which time weather was getting breezy and colder.  J arrived at same time, so we all had hot chocolate and the end of OH's birthday cake.  Car performs very well on Mway with its 7 gears automatic!  We checked seat positions and that kind of thing while we were out, to be comfortable for our 2-hour journey Friday evening.

    Good to hear from HARELADY - sounds a pleasant trip away with plenty of variety.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Harelady - that's quite a drive around the country.  Sounds as though you had a lovely time with Luna, and a bit of culture in Oxford.

    I was also very impressed with how they had set up Richard III's shrine at Leicester.  I was there for a weekend very soon after it was completed.  The only thing I found very odd about the Cathedral is that the choir (of which I was a member on that occasion) is right at the back.  Felt very odd to be singing to people's backs!

    OG - hope the new car has now been satisfactorily introduced to the motorway, and that you are looking forward to your trip at the weekend.

    Lindy - hope you are safely home, or at least on the way.  Look forward to the photographs!

    A friend and I 'ran away' for a few hours yesterday.  Went to Eastbourne, walked a long way along the front, had delicious fish and chips, walked along the pier (except most of it was closed!), climbed Beachy Head and filled our lungs with wonderful fresh sea air.  I felt as though I'd had a week's holiday!

  • Wow HARELADY! You have certainly been travelling and it all sounds good! I'm not nearly as adventurous, think about things but rarely do them! I do wish that I'd learnt to drive.

    OG- pleased that the motorway drive testing out new car, went well. All set now for the drive to the wedding and hopefully no altercations to spoil things. I hate such things and wish that folk could show love and understanding rather than the opposite.

    Son in law usually finishes work at 7pm, arriving home here at 7.45ish. A long day, he leaves here at about 6am. I am enjoying having him here even though I see little of him. It brings some routine in to my life- something that I miss very much. It is temporary but hey ho! !I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

    Good to know that you are home, ANNETTE and catching up with things. I imagine that your OH was glad to see you!


    Yes, LINDY- I vaguely remember mentioning Denmark! Ole is arriving on 2nd April and we will both leave here on the 5th. Ferry Newcastle-Amsterdam and then the drive across Holland and Germany and up to Denmark. I fly back to Aberdeen on the 12th.

  • Hi everyone,

    Quick post to let you know the fantastic news  .. EJ has returned :-)  

  • Oh thank you KAREN!!!!

    I've been checking but not this afternoon! What good news.
  • Missed your post, PAT. Now I'm craving fish and chips!

  • Another early bird - and what a year to do it!  Has there been a weather event up the west coast of Africa which has sent them all silly?  Just a thought - I hope it really is her!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • It is absolutely her, leg ring and all.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good evening, Everyone. Good to read all the news.

    Delighted that EJ has returned. Long may she reign over us! (and her nest of course). EJ was the first osprey I ever saw, in 2008. I have followed her 'adventures'  ever since.

  • Goodness!!  Only got home an hour and a half ago, and just popped in here before I went to bed......
