WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY MARCH 11, 2018

Hi All: Just got in from movies (Three Billboards....); pizza in the oven.  Back later.

  • I see it has great reviews over here but have not seen it, I will be looking out for it.

    Regards Shane


    My Photos in Flickr.

  • Back again - pizza and red wine:  Life is perfect.

    Movie was very good, een though the ending was unexpected.

    Shane:  How nice to see you here.  I think Three  Billboards had good reviews everywhere and I'd certainly recommend it.

    Lindybird: Interesting about glass nail files being kinder tan mental files.

    Heather:  My mother used to give the house "a cat's lick and a promise" when she didn't have time to do a thorough job.

    Clare:  Thanks for the link to the Canary pix.

    Gardenbirder: Thanks for posting the link to the Coopers Hawk. I didn't realize they were so widespread.

    Nodding off here ... Happy Mothering Sunday to all in the UK..

  • Annette – Thank you for starting us off. Chauffeur-Friend & I are busy making lists of “escapes”. As soon as weather cools, we’ll be off. We don’t want to be driving around back roads while it is fire season. My first bus trip for the year is at end of this month. Check out Coonalpyn, Coomandook (pronounced Coo-man-doo), Meningie (hard “g”). Other places probably no longer on map! We had a trip to Meningie 5 years ago and we have passed through Coonalpyn & Coomandook (main road) on other trips to South-East & Victoria. This time we shall stop & explore what little there is to see.


    Rosy – I help Dau as I know some days she finds it hard to cope. Nanny duty will end, except for occasional illness, when twins go to kindy next year. MissJ is ready now for kindy, but not yet MissL, but their birthdate prevents starting until next February. Govt rules. Unaffordable private kindies would have them. Soon enough I won’t see the Little People. I rarely see other Dau’s children. Now aged 21 & 22, they have their own busy lives, too busy for g-parents.

  • Good morning, All.

    Pat – I had never knowingly seen Goldfinches till I moved to SW Scotland – although I do remember my Father telling me off cos I couldn’t distinguish between Goldies and Yellowhammers – maybe my eyesight was worse than I knew – I wonder what else I was missing?

    Rosy – congrats on washing machine – hope nothing else happens!

    Annette – thanks for the new Weekly Thread.  Pleased you enjoyed the film – not a film-goer myself, but good to hear of a good one.

    Hello Shane and welcome!  Don’t think I have seen you here before!  Where are you?

    AQ – good to see that Autumn is near enough for you and Friend to have made some plans for trips – and first bus trip booked too (think I have heard of Coomandook).  Sad that you don’t see the older Grandchildren so much, but we are used to that too.  Elder GD tried to promise she will drive over at Easter, but I thought “Really?” – she will have quite a lot of college work to complete after finishing all the teaching practices.  Also, she and a friend will be looking for a place to rent together next year – then she will appear here as J has said she can come and sort through his household storage in our roof to see what she would like!

    Well, time to get ready for church.  BTW, J gave me a card and Thornton’s Cappuccino chocs this morning!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to All Mums in the UK!

  • Good morning, all.  Nice to see you, Shane!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thanks for starting us off again, Annette. Your evening sounded nice, film, pizza & wine!

    Friend and I wanted to see "3 Billboards...." but it was only showing in the evenings & more difficult for us to go out, then.

    AQ - Glad you're able to plan your escapes/escapades now.  I remember you telling us of daughter expecting twins, when she already had a little 'un. We all threw up our hands and said "hard work!!" Good that you've been able to help, and I'm sure you have a bond now with all three which won't be forgotten, although all children go through that teenage stage when they 'forget' their relatives for a while, whilst wrestling with Life's complexities. :-)

    OG - I got a card and a text from my Youngest - The Elder will forget then be cross with himself,after! Enjoy your day.

    Welcome, Shane! :-)

  • Thanks, ANNETTE for starting the week. Agree with LINDY - sounds like a good evening! My mother used the expression 'a lick and a promise' also.

    OG - I haven't any ideas about how to clean salt from a leather jacket but I expect that you will have googled it by now. Hope that you enjoyed the Mothering Sunday service and maybe came away with a flower or a card? Yes, my very house proud daughter is coming today! How on earth did you guess????

    I'm beginning to wonder if the UK has suffered from lots of power surges after hearing about all the appliance and electrical malfunctions! Now a kettle as well.....

    Everyone - have a good day.

  • Heather B said:

    I'm beginning to wonder if the UK has suffered from lots of power surges after hearing about all the appliance and electrical malfunctions!

    Hi, everyone! I peeked into this thread this morning while I'm trying to summon the energy to get busy again.

    Heather: I thought the same thing when I read about all the appliance/electrical malfunctions. The UK power grid is old and outdated (like the USA's). I suspect your National Power Grid has had trouble dealing with the big surges and outages that resulted from the Beast from the East and subsequent bad weather all over. You might be interested in this article from Skegness. I did a search because I was curious.

    Take care, everyone. I'll be back on a regular basis soon! 

  • Hi, Diane!  How are the repairs going?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.