Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 February 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • Thank you, bjane.  I realised that I wasn't stupid once I grew into a teenager: It was partly that I was sometimes compared to my older brother (five years older and a whizz at maths!) and partly because I was quiet and gentle like my mother. However -- after the hormones kicked in I became more like my father, king of sarcasm, an avid reader, a lover of logic and argument and a questioner of every statement. But of course, although I now have a split personality, I still can't do maths!  

    Annette - Thanks for the advice - all opinions are welcomed when it comes to Cousin! My sis-in-law said today when we popped to see her, that she had told Cousin that she was quite worn out by all the work and excitement of the last few months (true) and that although she now has two bedrooms, one is full of unopened crates (only partly true). We told her two years ago that we only have two bedrooms, and one has to be in readiness constantly for our Eldest, who stays frequently. (partly true). She then indicated that she might give her visit "a rest" this year, but we're not counting our chickens!! Enjoy your whale watching.

    Had a good meal tonight (thank you, Heather) -  Salmon mousse with salad leaves, Flat Iron Steak with mushrooms & Mediterranean roasted veg, and Chocolate Tarts in butter pastry with salted caramel. Still drinking the remainder of a nice bottle of Pino Grigio. It's still very cold here but I think the wind is finally dropping.

  • Hello everyone. Good to read all the news today.

    Lindy, good advice from everyone. I was also thinking that if sis-in-law has downsized, she will not have room now. I suppose someone will have to tell AC that it is too difficult for  you all  to entertain her every year now, anyway,

    Agree, Annette. Much better to think of whales than D Trump. No comparison!

    Diane, I hope you and RT have a more peaceful night. I think I would love to live where you do, but I don't think I could handle the creepy crawlies.

    Enjoyed the  bird pics, Clare.

  • Playing bowls with one properly functioning eye yesterday was....interesting.

    Every spring, about this time, a friend dusts down her tea set ( very pretty,with primroses on) and invites 'the girls' to tea. She makes a lovely spread, dainty sandwiches and various yummy sweet things. There were some particularly delicious eccles cakes.

    We had a glass of champagne, as well.

    The men were allowed to join us at 6.30 pm. We then had sausages and mash, followed by pancakes ( for 17 people) I had one (large) with lemon and sugar.

    This friend is very hospitable and never gets fazed, as I do.

  • What a lovely tradition your friend has started, Rosy. I like the idea of a glass of fizz, too!

    When it comes to Diane's location, I too, would hate the creepy crawlies....yuk!

  • Nine whales during my first two-hour shift!  Amazing!! And several much closer in to shore than usual at this time of year.  We barely had time to catch up with "what have you been up to this last year?" when the first one showed up and then it was all go.....  Off to see The Post in a bit; then take out for dinner from the wonderful Mexican place next to the theater....

  • Linda – I suggest you & sis-i-l get together to plan a campaign to combat Awful Cousin. Not too many reasons/excuses or she will counter them. Perhaps just say you are not available full stop. Hard if your OH doesn’t support you. For your own health/sanity, you should make a stand or else half a year is spoilt either enduring or expecting to endure. I’ll get off my soapbox now!


    I was good at maths, loved the logic of it where things obeyed definitions, theorums. My mother said I had a boy’s brain because I liked science subjects. I was hopeless at English. I dreaded essays, I would write and write until required page & half filled and stop. No finishing para.


    I think I said last time OH & I went to nanny duty together, never again. Yesterday twins fussed over him, introducing him to kittens, asking him to read books. I started chopping veg. When Dau left for school pickup, twins decided time for outside play. It lasted a few mins, one child yelling, one OH marching inside in a huff. I went out to referee. MissJ had grabbed one of the trillion trikes & scooters, the very same one MissL wanted. Right, says I, MissJ will finish her turn soon and let MissL on. OK she says & climbs off. Neither have realized yet that the second person gets a longer turn! I go inside to sort the er “3rd child” who then dithers with the door open. Don’t let Fluffy out. I get told off for telling him what to do. Peace restored, back to veg. Later OH storms in followed by twins who start playing happily together.

    By time Dau & Miss6 return, I have almost finished washing dishes, OH is dozing in chair. I prepare snacks, chivvy Miss6 into Guides uniform while Dau puts together soup. She leaves me in charge of stove, “turn off in 10 mins”, while she takes off on Guides delivery. I read books, OH rests. Dau reurns, I set table (5 bowls, 5 spoons) and we depart. Takeaway for tea, I went to bed 8.30 pm and slept til 8 am. Next week, longer session, I‘ll explain later.

  • Hi all and Happy Valentines Day.

    Not read all the way back but nevertheless thanks for all your news.

    Met up with an old friend from home this morning (she has been living in Northampton for a number of years).   Had a good chinwag and reminiscing over old times. OH came along as he had to bring me .

    Won't get to the gymn tomorrow as OH has to go up to doc's for blood test . Not a lot doing down here. We seem to missing the worst of the weather conditions and it is either damp or frosty and sunny.

    Annette - glad to see you saw quite a lot of whales on your first shift.

    Rosy - sounds as though you had a great afternoon and evening , what a lovely person she seems.

    Lindybird - hope the cousin does decide not to do a visit and leaves you and your s-I-l in peace this year.

    Take care all.

  • Oh AQ, it looks like you need to take something of a stand, you are going to be exhausted.  I realise though that as its your dau you would do anything, well almost, for her, but please look after yourselves as well.  Rant over.lol.

  • AQ: You are doing a lot - kiddies, veg - make that three kiddies, veg. Any chance to unload some of the work? (Assume OH will stay home next time).

    Hi to Rosy and Lynette!

    Back from movies. The Post was very good - well, Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks and Stephen Spielberg - what would you expect. I remember   I saw All The President's Men a while back and it was just as relevant now as then...

  • Lynette & Annette – Nanny duty is not so bad when I am alone. It is dealing with an OH who has unrealistic expectations of small children near the end of their day. As for Dau’s chores, I pace myself; interleaving chores with reading (quiet time for moi).


    Yesterday Miss6 was required to wear something red to school as it was “sweetheart day”, bring $2 for children with heart disease. Next month is “harmony day” to celebrate cultural diversity, wearing orange. In April is sports day with Miss6 in the Green team. Now this child’s favourite colours are pink or pink or purple or pink. So you can imagine what colours are in her wardrobe! Dau managed to find a reddish pink tshirt and a too small orange dress. Dau & s-i-l have been chasing stores all over for a green shirt as last year’s is far too small. She threatened to cut a hole in a green shopping bag LOL.


    I’m feeling quite virtuous as I managed to toss lots of old paperwork, cardboard & stuff in recycling bin.