Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 February 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • LINDY   That is beyond cute.

    Heading off for a swim shortly. Not too many lengths as I am a bit bunged up, and so tire quickly. Meeting friend after and will hear how her hols with the family in Jamaica went. Swimmingly I presume!!!!

  • Unknown said:
    I looked at my niece's homework a few months ago, and I realized that I know absolutely nothing about today's math.

    I passed my O level in maths in 1985.  My daughter took her maths GCSE in 2016 - alarmingly (to me) she was bringing home test papers which I found I could do easily.  Not what I expected, which means that I don't think her pass grade reflects the impressive ability she has in the subject.

    Unknown said:
    I have enjoyed all of your beautiful photos!!! Your passion for your photography shows in your work. 

    You're exceptionally kind!  I know I've improved a bit lately but I still have a long way to go.

    Unknown said:
    R.T. Hawk scared me last night, because he started to scream repeatedly at 2:00 a.m. I'm still not sure what was distressing him or whether there was danger present for him and/or me!

    I hope he and his beautiful mate are all right.  What wouldn't I give to have such birds in my neighbourhood!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Can't do maths. My father decided that that must mean I was too stupid, because I struggled with it, and ignored the fact that I got glowing reports for my English tests. If only he'd sat down with me and tried to teach me to get to grips with the basics of maths, I might have got at least some qualifications in it!

    Diane -- You live so much closer to Nature than the rest of us on here, but I suppose it comes at a price. I hope all is well with both you and your RT Hawk.

  • Lindybird said:
    Can't do maths. My father decided that that must mean I was too stupid, because I struggled with it, and ignored the fact that I got glowing reports for my English tests. If only he'd sat down with me and tried to teach me to get to grips with the basics of maths, I might have got at least some qualifications in it!

    What an enormous shame.  You are, so clearly, far from stupid.  My English is very good but I haven't remotely got your gift for poetry.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Continuing with the catching up - I got these at Minsmere on Monday last week.  If you'd like to see more click on this goldcrest:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • No weather so far today – can’t believe how normal it seems out there – but still cold.

    AQ – I hope joint Nanny Day went well and your OH had a good walk to tire out either the girls or the dog!  I love Minestrone soup!

    Annette – new scooter has some extra features – only annoyance is the warning noise when reversing – rather overdone safety feature to my mind!  Suspension is brilliant – such a comfortable ride!  Happy whale-counting!  Have you switched from Mondays to Wednesdays?

    Diane – I don’t like the idea of privatising space travel – especially the ISS.

    Linda – Bonny shouldn’t be rewarded for her catch by being allowed to eat it – basic child and pet psychology!  It would also mean you don’t have to suffer the disgusting consequences, but I hope OH’s cut finger isn’t too deep.

    Dibnlib – pleased friend was able to visit yesterday.

    I was very good at Maths when it came to the advanced stuff, but now lack confidence in simple arithmetic – give me calculus and mechanics any day.


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Snowing!  That wasn't forecast down here - we must have moved to a higher altitude when I wasn't looking!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - Impossible to catch her and take the rabbit from her. We just had to be glad that she ran home with it! On the way, apparently, she chewed it on a neighbours front lawn as my poor OH huffed and puffed to catch up with her from 3 fields away.

    Snowing here, now, big flakes, and a bitterly cold wind. Went out to feed the birds and it felt like Korea!!

  • Been out -- my OH drove the car and dropped me off outside Waitrose, where I bought one of their Specials for tonight. Then he sat in the car whilst I ran into another shop for supplies. I had on a pair of warm trousers, a thick vest, my thickest sweater, two scarves, my winter double layered coat, and a woolly hat! In spite of all that, the wind was freezing!

    It stopped snowing but the blustery wind is still growling around the house now.

  • Love your Minsmere photos, Clare. The birds certainly seem to appear for you!  

    Seeing your Woodpecker reminds me that yesterday we saw a GS Woody in the garden, when my Friend called around. Even she was impressed, seeing him hanging  on our peanut feeder, and she is not particularly a bird lover!