Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 February 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

American Marten
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • PAT - if I were to watch anything in the Olympics it would probably be the curling as that is our local sport, but sport rarely interests me as a spectator and certainly never did as a participant - and I can't understand how people can be competitive over something like a game of any kind - sorry.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - Life would be so boring if we were all interested in the same things!  Personally, I can't stand football, don't really enjoy detective fiction and won't go into Macdonalds ... which probably puts me in the bottom few percent of Brits.  Vive les differences!!!

  • HEATHER/ANNETTE  We have never had cats but my In laws have always had them. I too have heard that they hide away when on their last legs. Very sad as this is when you really want to comfort them. It would seem that this is not what they want.

    Really hard for you Annette. I do remember a friend saying that once her dog became incontinent, that would be the end. We only had to deal with this when Harvey was over 13 and only when he was excited - when we arrived home and it was solids only, so not too much of a problem and I wouldn't have dreamed of having him put to sleep then anyway. I have heard there are incontinence pants for dogs, do they have the same for cats?

  • ROSY   I had my first cataract op 4 1/2 years ago and the improvement was amazing and noticeable the next morning. Will need the other eye done sometime but it isn't ready yet.

  • PatO/OG:  I watched the men's ice skating a couple of nights ago and all those expected to do well had serious errors - I guess it was nerves. It's such an exciting  sport - and graceful too - not to mention the skill involved.  I also like the ski competitions, but not much on other indoor sports.  Do like the championship soccer matches and even watched part of our Super Bowl last weekend (had to stifle the comments about how much time they spend falling about in a pile!), but really only to root for the underdogs (my preferred winners most of the time). :-).  Do love Wimbledon though - and will be interested to see how Roger does this year after his 20th Grand Slam Down Under.

    OG: Heard a funny remark on our NPR (National Public Radio) station yesterday; not sure of context, but one person commented that NPR "loved curling."  A bit slow for me.  

    dibnlib: Oh yes, I've seen the doggie version of incontinent pants and very much doubt I'd go that route if I saw them for cats.

    Really must Get Some Stuff Done today!

  • I don't have much interest in sport of any kind and hated (in capital letters!) having to play netball,hockey, rounders, etc at school. If I was going to watch any, it would be skating. OH played golf, also curling and enjoyed both. He couldn't quite understand my dislike of sports and he both played and watched it on TV. I just retired to another room and watched another TV!

    OG - regarding being competitive - I wonder if it is human nature to want to do well and maybe come top of the class at whatever interests one greatly - whether sport/games or more academic pursuits? Some folk do both at the same time and I admire them. I was never going to be one of them, though!

  • I am competitive when I play sport - but only with myself.  I want to do better than I did last time, and I think I'm pretty hard on myself.  Also, if I'm playing a team game I don't want to let the rest of the team down.  It's a strange thing, competitiveness.  We all want to achieve the best we can with everything we do, but I for one certainly don't want this to cross the line into aggression.  Which seems to happen a lot in professional sport, and I most certainly don't like that.

  • I agree, too.

    I used to be a good runner, and also was fascinated by the long jump, probably because my Dad had been proud to say that he was the National School Record Holder in the long jump, when he was young. But I let it go because I was too shy to run in any inter school events. Edit: I didn't like the team sports like netball, because I hated letting my team down in any way.

    Now, I like to watch Wimbledon and other tennis majors, also love the main Olympics for most of the events! I don't get excited over football but prefer to watch rugby as they're much tougher....   I'll enjoy the ice skating for this Winter Olympics, but not the speed skating which I find boring. Most of the other events are interesting if I have time to watch. I also like to see the golf as I have played, but not very well. I'm very competitive: when we were "courting" my future OH was very shocked to find how ruthless I was at Monopoly!!  -- he thought I was too gentle and nice but there are two sides to me.

  • PAT - football - definitely no; detective fiction - was great in the days of Georges Simenon and Maigret, but not the modern stuff; Macdonalds - No, no, no!

    DIBNLIB - agree about cataract op - but sight was almost completely obscured in right eye by the time I was well enough from other issues, so response was immediate.

    HEATHER - I can't remember being competitive academically, but then I usually achieved in that field when I could be persuaded to put my mind to it!

    LINDA - please don't mention Monopoly - Son in Law is a tyrant!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!