Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 January 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Broad-Billed Hummingbird, Arizona USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (copyright-free)

  • Happy Birthday to you,

    Happy Birthday to you,

    Happy Birthday, dear Annette,

    Happy Birthday to you!!!!!

    Hope you have a great day.

  • Happy Birthday, Annette. Enjoy that surprise dinner out!

  • Rather a discombobulating day.  Weekend was mapped out in detail but all change to take advantage of "opportunity not to be missed" on another project - no details, but think transport and you won't be far off the mark! I don't like change, except when instituted by me!

    PS - have I mentioned, garage door has been successfully mended after Christmas Eve mishap!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG you mentioned that the garage door was being mended but I must have missed reading about what had befallen it!

    Yes, can guess what is going on....

    Youngest family have been here for a pit stop after shopping. Callum has now arrived and cleaning his car. The drive is now sprayed with foamy shampoo. He'd better clean it up - or else.

  • Morning all: THANK YOU ALL for birthday wishes. Like the Queen, I have an official birthday (today) and an unofficial "floating" birthday, which was to have been celebrated last Thursday with dinner and a movie, but has now been rescheduled for next Tuesday or Wednesday when I'm done with a course of antibiotics for minor bacterial infection.  Doc said "no wine," so there you are!  Meanwhile, I saw that the word Google had flickering birthday candles on a party-style logo this morning and when I put my cursor on it, it said "Happy Birthday Annette" which makes you wonder......     Lovely cards from family, including a singing Garden of Wishes card from Ms. D (Ella Fitzgerald performing Blue Skies, which we certainly have here today).

    Must remember to thank Lindybird for the ever-so-cute little poem about Mr. Frog!  I'll put it on next week's thread coz I know she's away for the weekend.

    OG: Let us know if the "opportunity" pans out.

    Heather: Where would your family be if you moved and pit stop and car wash facilities were gone (not to mention snacks and treats)?

    Just Facetimed UK family; OH has not surfaced yes - then he'll probably have forgotten where he put my card....

  • Sorry about the infection, ANNETTE - hope antibiotics work first time so you can enjoy a little wine with your meal this coming week.

    OH had a promising recce of possible vehicles this afternoon - and I am going for a tryout of his top choice tomorrow.  If al turns out well, we are also going to have a tryout of a new mobility scooter later this week- mine is 13 years old but we can get part exchange on it!

    Just enjoyed some wonderful Raspberries.  Feel a bit bad about imported soft fruit (air miles) but I don't like tree fruits - at least we had Scottish icecream with them, so does that make it any better?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!


    Annette/ OG.   Poor cousin just goes from one illness to another. Thank Goodness she has such an amazing husband. She is now out of the high dependancy unit and in a normal ward

  • OG - I think fifty percent should be considered acceptable.  Somehow soft fruits taste better 'out of season'.  I have mixed feelings about air miles and imported food.  By not eating one punnet of raspberries, or one pack of imported beans (which I also enjoy) I may be pleased with myself, but then I remember they have already been imported and if I don't eat them either someone else will or they will be wasted because they have gone off.  I'm not sure where my moral principles are on this sort of thing - the more I think about it, the more confused I become.