Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 January 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Broad-Billed Hummingbird, Arizona USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (copyright-free)

  • I'm arriving at your house shortly, DIANE! My mouth is watering :-)

  • Get in the queue behind me, Heather!   Wowsers, that looks good, Diane.

    (Mind you, I'm on yogurt only now that I've finished off all the Christmas shortbread, so anything looks good!)

  • Hi all - I've just booted up the laptop to read all your messages and to watch the Up Helly Aa festival.
    Well done on your paid worked Diane and enjoy those treats.

  • Evening all:   A Super Moon, Blue Moon and a total eclipse!  It's all happening - I just have to wake up around 5 a.m. to see the latter.

    Diane: I wasn't aware of the controversy about Three Billboards.   Hurray for freelance checks - why not two sticky buns?  But what's this?  You've been unwell?  Did you get the dreaded flu?

    OG: Did all the initial pruning on the last of the huge shrubs along the back today, but there are some really thick branches/trunks that are such hard work with a handsaw.  OH and I are going to get the chainsaw out tomorrow and organize a very careful expedition up the nice new (shortish) ladder with the big fat steps to finish the job.  I still have the roses to prune, but they'll be easy compared to the shrubs.  Nice to read you had good visits from family!

    Lindybird: A short but sweet visit from eldest I hope. I'm sure he wasn't worried about the decor. :-)

    Harelady: Hope you're doing okay.

    Have a good Wednesday everyone.

  • Good Morning.  Just getting light, here. Eldest duly arrived safely last night and has already disappeared this morning.

     Nice to hear from you, Harelady.

    Annette - Good that you bought a good safe ladder for the pruning. We invested in a solid one with safety features a while back, and it's been invaluable.

    Diane - Hope you're feeling better. Keep your eye on that moon!

  • Today's pic:

    "There's something I'm not sure about!"

  • Snow!  Not for long, and didn't settle.  Now bright sun!  Okay, just one of those confusing weather days.  Garage door repairers are here.  J has gone out, so I did warn him of changeable weather - it can be so different between here and Dumfries.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Site is doing weird things - could be because of the Birdwatch meaning lots of us online at once.

    Been to see sis-in-law before she moves house, which is this Friday. My OH dismantled a wardrobe for her and she is pretty much set to go, now. Weather doing all sorts here, too, OG - colder, too.

    Must go, off to the cinema early today.

  • Got up at 5:15 this morning to watch the total lunar eclipse - lovely. Whenever there's a really bright full moon, I stand and gaze at it and wonder what it must have been like for people waaaay back when before they even understood what it was.  I try to get a sense of the distance between us and it but it's hard to get my head around it.   Anyway, show got even lovelier as dawn slowly appeared with a pink sky low on the horizon and the moon - which was red during the eclipse - now emerging from our shadow with a gleaming white edge!   Worked hard in the garden yesterday and planning a lot of "sitting" projects today.

    Hope everyone stays warm/cool/dry, depending on location!  :-)