Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 January 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Masked Boobies with Chick
Tern Island at Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • Well, just read through quickly.  Thanks for all your news.  Lovely to see George posting again. Diane - what a to do but at least you managed to get the little critter and take him to safety well away from you.  Lindy love the ditty and the daily pics especially the one of the kitten.

    Weather down here has been mostly grey and overcast with showers and some sunshine but has gone quite mild at present.

    Off to the gym again tomorrow so will get in two lots of swimming this week.  Had hair cut today, I'd let it grow a bit so I could have a shorter style but not as short as I have been having. Looks good.

    See on the news that they are expecting the volcano in the Phillipines to blow at any time.

  • Annette: I don't know about the shrews, but human eyes will get much larger, according to a group of scientists. Here are pictures (scroll down) showing what humans will look like in 20,000 years, in 60,000 years, and in 100,000 years. I thought the 100,000-year picture was WEIRD!

  • AQ - Your weather sounds awful!! I don't do excessive heat and humidity well at all......Please stay safe

  • AQ: Awful about the dead bird and the skink (hope it wasn't Lizarda da Vinci). As bjane says, please stay safe. Just sit in the air con and read. 

  • Diane – It was a wee “common garden skink”. They are thin, no longer than 10 cm, and drop their tails off when in danger. We haven’t seen Lizarda (a blue tongue skink & much bigger) for some time. Less places to get through our new fence. Also I am not in the garden so much in this heat.


    Linda – I sympathise with paint divorce. OH chose the “neutral” sort of off-white paint for our lounge room. On the wall it has a greenish tinge we both dislike. For the entrance & passage, I insisted on a faintly beige, slightly pinkish paint. That turned out to be the neutral colour we wanted. To OH’s surprise, no hint of the pink! Colour can vary so much from one wall to another, depending on light/shadow.


    Annette – Last year was a good year for tomato fruit and I froze heaps for winter casseroles. As always the plants lose leaves in heat, but not usually as early as this.


    To all concerned, I do take care. I carry a bottle of water when out. Another bottle left in car in case of break down or flat tyre. That may be hot water (!), but it is liquid. I don’t do anything unnecessary, hence cabin fever. My outings are food shop, library & church.

  • Diane: Weird is the word. My question is, does anyone really think we'll still be around in 100,000 years given the way we're going?

    Lynette: Have fun at the pool  Must check out that volcano....

    Grandson just left after joining us for dinner. Had a lot of laughs - he's doing very well, having just got yet another raise and is now (the mind boggles!) training a new young(er) employee . He noted that this young man is "eager to learn and is just the kind of person we need."  (This from someone who gave us many sleepless nights with his shenanigans in his "younger" years).   :-)

    Daughter and I are off to the gym in the morning; she flies home at the crack of dawn Friday.

    Have a good Thursday everyone.

  • Good Morning. (Got up in the early hours, so then slept in this morning). Dry here.

    AQ - Your weather is grim, just as bad in its way as blizzards & storms! Glad you're taking care. Sorry the wildlife is suffering. I agree about the paint. Subtle differences can show when its on the wall or door. EDIT - Just looked at your skink, what a fun creature. Could do with some of those to eat the insects which eat our produce.

    Annette - Sounds as if your grandson has finally grown up. You'll be able to breathe out, now, although I know we never stop worrying about them.

    Lynette - Nice to have a change of hairstyle.

    Diane - Loved the pictures of our possible future selves, but agree with Annette that I often have doubts about the long term survival of such an aggressive species!

    Off to go look at the paint again!

  • Today's pic:

    "Can I get it all in one bite?"

  • Aw, I see that Kyle Edmund has failed in his bid to beat Cilic in the Aus. Tennis semi final.... shame, but he'll be back again, I'm sure.

  • Haggis, neaps and tatties all in our intelligent steamer ready for one button to press to heat through. Glasses awaiting a wee? dram!