Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 January 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Masked Boobies with Chick
Tern Island at Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • FORESTBOAR - Thank you very much :-)

    GEORGE - lovely to see you posting! I'm sorry that your Christmas plans didn't work out, as you say, thank goodness for freezers.

    BBL if I can get myself organised...

  • Absolute downpours changed to drizzle, and now it's finally stopped raining. There are floods in some roads around here, it's been so wet for 24 hours, on top of ground that was already saturated from before. I'm sure that some of my daffodils will not survive this and will just rot in the ground.

    The hairdresser was chatty as usual, but distracted, as the premises are being renovated and soon they are to close down for 2 weeks. She is going to do some of her favoured customers at home. At least all will be finished when I return again in 5 weeks. I bought myself some pretty cut daffodils as I love the smell, it reminds us that Spring can't be far away now.

    Big discussions here and many paint charts. My OH did one windowsill in our bedroom with some old paint which seems to be the wrong colour: we were going to just redo everything with the same scheme, as we like it, but now find that the woodwork paint is discontinued, and the nearest alternative is insipid. Nothing for it but to go bold!! At least we will look modern! So I've chosen something more contrasting to the walls. Watch this space!

  • Morning all:

    Diane:  Ugh. Good thing you're smart enough not to pick up wild critters (at least not without heavy gloves), but that would be unnerving. Good thing too you had the cage handy.  I see what you mean about non-functional eyes; wonder whether it's coming or going on the evolutionary ladder!

    Lindybird: Our daffs don't smell anywhere near as strong as those at home - they're probably grown under cover somewhere.   Our house is in need of a freshen up - it's off white throughout, but now I'm thinking of a soft pastel color and a stronger contrasting/complementary paint on one of the walls - but which wall and what paint?  Sigh. I'm not talented in that respect at all....

    Off to start the day.

  • Annette: Those shrews supplement their poor eyesight by using echolocation, like bats. LOL!

  • LOL, I had to laugh at Diane's encounter with her Northern short-tailed shrew!  Wiki gives a good description too, although I think it looks a bit cuter than perhaps Diane's description!  It sounds a bit mole-like, although a mole has an excellent sense of smell, unlike Diane's wee critter!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Annette-I love dogs too! Have had many dogs over the years but settled on cats when we both worked because they don't need walking and are kinda self cleaning, though mine get brushed everyday. I also vacuum and dust everyday and have done since the day I was married (well, maybe not THAT day!).

  • Sheila: I revere all Earth's creatures, but there wasn't anything cute about that wee fella. LOL!!! This photo looks like mine. 

  • S H R E W

    I'm a shrew, I'm a shrew:
    I may not look like you,
    But I have a clever secret or two.

    You may think that my eyes
    Are too small for my size,
    Or my tail far too short
    For a mouse to comport.....

    But I have to tell you,
    That's because I'M A SHREW!!

    (Now go away and leave me alone -
    Or else I'll come back when no one else is at home
    To paralyse with just one quick bite
    When you're asleep in bed at night!)

  • Here, the divorce over the Paint Colour Saga is now pending.....

    He had some paint made up to match a colour chart, put it on the window sill, and now I hate it......

  • LOL! Lindy. Shrews need love, too. LOL

    Sorry about the paint dilemma. It's amazing how different paint can look once it's on the surface.