Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 January 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Masked Boobies with Chick
Tern Island at Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • Glad you like them, Lindy.  There are a few more here:

    Click on this expressive cormorant to see more.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • By the way, Lindy, I really enjoy your daily photos.  Cats and kittens make adorable subjects!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good morning -

    Especially liked the canoodling swans, CLARE, a great picture.

    You've been busy in the kitchen, LINDY!

    Much less cold here and quite a rapid thaw in progress. The front garden was white with snow when I went to bed last night and is completely clear now.

    Has anyone else here forgotten to rinse the shampoo out of their hair when in the shower? I must be losing my marbles. Was completely dressed and went to comb hair before drying it....

    Welcome to our new poster from the US! Nice to hear from you. I live in the North of Scotland. Moved here in 1977, from Devonshire.

  • I love little Sweetie, Clare.   So cute.  Also, the amorous swans, good enough for a Valentines card! (wonder if you could sell the pic?)

    Heather:  I've been known to put some hair conditioner on and then shower the rest of me whilst it worked, then forget to shower it off!  - just as bad, you have to get back into the shower to finish off. Grr.  Must admit the shower is where I do a lot of ruminating about Life.  Come out sometimes with a totally different mood to the one I got in with! -  Sometimes bad, sometimes, good LOL!   Of course, I have the radio on whilst in there and also do a lot of singing!!

  • The whirligig goes round and round -
    Even though it makes no sound,
    Wish I could hurl it to the ground....

  • Clare Bailey said:

    By the way, Lindy, I really enjoy your daily photos.  Cats and kittens make adorable subjects!

    Glad you enjoy the photos, Clare.  There would be a lot more cats & kittens because I just adore them, myself. Grew up with cats as my mother did, too, and there were often kittens in the corner of the kitchen.  Really grieves me not to have one just now but we go away so much its not kind to leave it alone somewhere.  When I get older, I'm going to be a Mad Cat Lady with at least five cats, LOL!!  

  • Good afternoon from a lurker as it has been a while since I have been on here although been enjoying all the chat.

    Christmas and New Year didn't go to plan as son and his wife didn't come down as DiL was down with the tummy bug and then SiL succumbed to the same thing so instead of 5 going for lunch only 2 of us managed. After boxing day I took a bad cold and was not sleeping tried taking paracetamal and taking lemon and honey drinks along with cough bottles but after 3 weeks gave up and got an appointment with the doctor and found out that it was a chest infection that was cleared up within a week by taking the tablets given.

    Things are now getting back to normal but I am still trying to use up the food that I had bought for my visitors coming. Thank goodness for freezers. My washing machine also gave up the ghost during this time so had to go and get a new machine.

    Rant now over and I hope everybody has kept well during our spate of bad weather in every part of the world. Will try to not stay away so long in future.      

    george g

  • Hello, Lurker alert here!  You rant away as much as you like George.  I just wanted to say how nice it was to see you posting again.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Hey, George!  - Good to see your post, but I'm sorry to hear that you had to have such a quiet Christmas. I hope you have all recovered, now. You probably thought your chesty cough would just go away, so I don't blame you for waiting, but you certainly did the right thing, getting yourself looked at when it continued for so long. It could have turned nasty. Did you manage to get a new washing machine without too much trouble?

    It's warmed up here, as promised, but has been a damp day. My OH has set to, to start on redecorating our bedroom. I had to rush ahead of him, as I'd only partially cleared the way before he painted the window sills and a fitted cupboard door. He is as keen as ever! I've spent the afternoon sorting out books, hoping to reduce the number of the pile "waiting to be read". Also found some photograph albums with pictures of some of our holidays in 1993 and '94. Our son, who came with us, looks impossibly young! 

  • Thank you for the warm welcome.

    Lindy – Hubby & I have no human children, but are cat parents.  We currently have three.  I’m trying to resist becoming a “Crazy Cat Lady”.

    AQ – Loved your Australian summer list.  Many would describe a SoCal summer as well, though maybe a few degrees cooler here near the coast.

    Annette – It is a small world – we’re in Costa Mesa.  Born & raised in San Diego, went to UC Riverside and lived there for a few years, then back to the coast in the early ‘80s.

    Heather – We’re planning a trip to Scotland & England in June.  I’ll finally get to visit Loch Garten.  I may be back later soliciting travel recommendations.

    Wishing all a good day tomorrow.