Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 January 2018


The New Moon (the dark moon) is the night of 16 January/morning of 17 January.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Western Meadowlark
William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • Good Morning, All.  Saturday already!

    They just mentioned the problems with your funding on our main News bulletin, Diane. :-(

    Still cold here, but supposed to warm up after the weekend, Yay!

    EDIT ---  I was annoyed and disappointed with no less than 3 of my relatives, all on the same day, yesterday!! Boo! (All for different reasons!)

  • Today's pic:

    "Well, we're warm!!"

  • Lindy: Love the little whirligig. Sums it all up!

  • Great poem, LINDY! It is indeed a fact that we can't choose our relatives... I suppose that I must annoy mine at times but I try not to. Life is too short.

    I think that in Scotland there is no upper age limit for jury duty but you can refuse if over the age of about 70? Not totally sure of the facts. I have never been called but OH's daughter was and attended, even though she was in the throes of alcohol addiction at the time. She probably had a quarter bottle in her handbag. No guesses as to what her thought processes were like :-(

    It is quite cold here this morning. I'm expecting all three daughters and families for a meal this evening so have been turning on the radiators in the sitting room and dining room. I keep these off when I'm here alone as I don't often use these rooms, they are closed up with curtains drawn over. Sounds like something out of Downton Abbey or Upstairs Downstairs except that there aren't any dust covers over the furniture!

    Waiting to see what will happen in US regarding a non functional government.

    Have a good weekend, ALL

  • Diane- Yes, why don't you write a novel or mystery!

  • Annette-yes I am in Cedar Rapids. Born in Waterloo, raised in Cedar Rapids, moved to Arizona for 17 years and came back to Iowa. A great place, not too big, not too small, headquarters for several major companies but still has that small town feel. We have many historical "mansions" the biggest is Brucemore built by the founder of Quaker Oats. I am anxious to see the Historical Society museum when they open.

  • Well, what can I say other than Lindybird,  Please don't hold your breath re functional government!

    Diane:  I have France 24 and Deutsche Welle bookmarked on my computer (in addition to the BBC sites) so I can reassure myself that Europe is still there given the sparse coverage we get about the rest of the world. 

    bjane: Waterloo, eh? So Lord Nelson didn't sleep there.  :-)   Apparently it was named that after a Mr. Mullan had to choose a name for the new post office and that one struck his fancy. I  think I like Prairie Rapids Crossing (the original Anglo name) better; still, nobody asked me.  Do like the sound of "Black Hawk" County though...  So where did you live in Arizona?

    There is a Women's March in Santa Barbara today. I went to the one in LA last year, but not this year (first off: no easy way to get there what with the 101 still closed and trains jammed). Apparently, there will just be a gathering locally; the sheriff's department has asked the march be cancelled coz they're all busy with recovery work and policing the evacuated neighborhoods.  Not sure if I'll attend or not. Daughter arriving tomorrow and am thinking of having a quiet day. We'll see. 

  • Annette-Lived in Mesa and Chandler, My OH (side note: my OH's initials were actually OH) worked in Phoenix and I worked in Chandler at Intel.

    Glad I wasn't raised in Waterloo. Not a particularly nice town.

  • Greetings from another long-time lurker. I'm a newby at the whole social media thing, but feel I know you all as friends & hope you'll pardon any faux pas (and provide advice as appropriate). I'm a couple hours drive south of Annette, near the original Disneyland. My OH is an ex-pat Mancunian (United), so I'm fairly familiar with things British. I'm not really a birder, but have been following the Loch Garten Nest for many years, and have learned a great deal from all your contributions. You are a fabulous group of people and I thank you for being here.